You can post a cash voucher with confirmation by selecting the Use Confirm Statuscheck box in the Bank parametersform. To post the cash voucher without confirmation, clear the Use Confirm Statuscheck box. The confirmation method is most efficient when the chief accountant and cashier certify creation of the cash orders and reimbursement or disbursements of cash.
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You must enter the voucher transactions with cash reimbursement and cash disbursement details in the Journal voucherform. For more information, see " (RUS) Register reimbursement or disbursement slips". |
After you confirm and approve a cash voucher, the cash voucher can have various statuses, depending on the method that you selected.
Validation method |
Approval status |
With confirmation |
None, Confirmed, Approved, or Rejected |
Without confirmation |
Noneor Approved |
After you confirm a voucher, a cash order number is assigned, and you can post it to the ledger accounts.
You can reject the current status of a cash voucher. When rejected, Approvedvouchers revert to Confirmedand Confirmedvouchers revert to None.
You can reject the confirmed cash vouchers as needed. Rejected vouchers are displayed in the cash order reimbursement and the disbursement registration journal, but they are not registered in the cash book report.
Post a cash
voucher with confirmation
Click Bank> Setup> Parameters.
Select the Use Confirm Statuscheck box to post a cash voucher with confirmation.
Press CTRL+S or close the form.
Click Bank> Journals> Slip Journal.
Select the required cash journal, and then click Linesto open its corresponding Journal voucherform.
Click Documents Approval > Confirmto confirm the cash order.
In the Approval parametersform, enter the percentage amount for the VAT value and the sales tax value to be printed on the Cash reimbursement slip.
Click OK. After confirmation, a number is generated for the current cash document that corresponds to the number sequence in the Order Numberfield. The approval statusis displayed as Confirmed.
Click Document Approval> Approveto approve the document. In the Approval Statusfield, the document status is displayed as Approvedand the Postbutton is activated. The Cash ordermenu item inthe Printbutton is activated. You cannot modify the details.
The cash voucher reflects the reimbursement or the disbursement amounts, and the cash balance is updated.
Click Document Approval> Reset Statusto change the current status.
When you reset the status, the Approval Statuschanges from Approvedto Confirmedand from Confirmedto None.
Click Postto post the document.
Click Print > Cash orderto print the order.
Post a cash
voucher without confirmation
Click Bank> Setup> Parameters.
Clear the Use Confirm Statuscheck box to post a cash voucher without confirmation.
Press CTRL+S or close the form.
Click Bank> Journals> Slip Journal.
Select the required cash journal, and then click Linesto open its corresponding Journal voucherform.
If they were not previously entered, enter the transaction text and the debit and credit details for the cash voucher.
Click Document Approval> Approve. The Approval Statusis displayed as Approved. You cannot modify the details. The Cash orderoption from the Printbutton is activated.
The Approvedstatus of the cash voucher reflects the reimbursement or disbursement of the cash voucher. Consequently, the open slip journal lines display the Approvedstatus, and the total debit and total credit amounts are updated.
Click Document Approval> Reset Statusto change the current status to None.
Click Postto post the voucher.
Click Print> Cash Orderto print the voucher.