When you receive an asset from another company, you must enter the receipt information into asset history. After the asset is received, the acquisition value specified in the fixed asset record does not change according to the transferred balance sheet value. However, the depreciation of the accepted asset will be calculated from the transferred balance sheet value.

  1. Click Fixed assets> Common Forms> Fixed assets.

  2. In the FA numberfield, select the asset to accept from another company.

    Note Note

    To receive a returned asset that was previously transferred to another company, the asset must have a Scheduledor Written offstatus.

  3. Click History> Receiptto open the Receipt from another companyform. If the receipt transactions were preceded by a fixed asset transfer transaction that is registered in the other company, information about the assets is displayed. Otherwise, the form is blank.

  4. Press CTRL+N, and in the Datefield, enter the date that the asset was received from the other company.

    Note Note

    The date of receipt cannot be earlier than the transfer date registered by the other company.

  5. In the Company accounts IDfield, enter a company name.

    Note Note

    If the company that the asset is being accepted from shares the same database, select the company code. If the company is located in another database, or the code of the company that the asset is being accepted from is unknown, leave this field empty.

  6. In the Fixed assetfield, select the fixed asset inventory number.

    Note Note

    You can select fixed assets for which a transfer transaction has been posted in the FA journal in the company. You can also select a fixed asset that has company accounts identification and the inventory number of the received asset number.

    If there is information in the Company accounts IDfield, and the inventory number of the received asset number is known, select this number. The assets that are available are those for which a transfer transaction has been posted in the FA journal in the company that the asset is being accepted from.

    If you select the fixed asset number and if the corresponding value models have been set up in the companies involved in the transfer, and then the fields on the Value modelstab will be filled in automatically according to the transfer transactions that were run in the other company.

    If you have not selected the fixed asset number, or if corresponding value models have not been set up between the companies, enter or modify the information on the Value modelstab. This ensures that when a receipt transaction is posted in the fixed asset journal, transactions are run for the correct amount and the accepted assets counted using all the applicable value models.

    Note Note

    You can create lines in the form, since models will be used to calculate the information for the assets after they are received.

  7. In the Value modelfield, enter the value model that will be used to calculate the fixed asset after receipt.

  8. In the Booked costfield, enter the amount of the ledger transaction.

    Note Note

    This amount will be used to calculate depreciation and will also be displayed on the balance sheet in the FA balancesform.

  9. In the Booked depreciationfield, enter the depreciation amount that was calculated by the other company before the transfer of the asset.

  10. In the Lifetime passfield, enter the length of time that the fixed asset has been in use up to the time of transfer.

    Note Note

    You cannot modify the information in the Postedfield. The information is displayed when you post a transfer transaction for the present value model in the FA journal in the other company.

  11. Select Fixed assets> Common Forms> FA journal.

  12. Press CTRL+N and create a fixed asset journal.

  13. Click Linesand enter the receipt transaction in the journal lines. This process is similar to creating an acquisition transaction.

    Note Note

    The date for the transaction in the fixed asset journal cannot be earlier that the date when the transfer was registered.

  14. Click Validate> Validateto validate the journal.

  15. Click Post> Post.

    Note Note

    After you post the fixed asset journal, if the transfer transaction was run for all value models, the status of the asset changes to Exploitation, and the transactions are created for acquisition and accrual of depreciation, based on the balance sheet value carried over and the balance sheet depreciation.

See Also