You can use the fixed assets journal to record the write-off of assets that are damaged by accidents or natural disasters, or of assets that are disposed of through exchange agreements.
Click Fixed assets> Common Forms> FA journalto open the Journalform.
Press CTRL+N to create a new journal.
In the Descriptionfield, enter a description of the journal.
Click Linesto enter a fixed asset transaction in the Journal voucherform.
For more information, see "Create and validate a journal and journal lines" in the Applications and Business Processes Help.
Press CTRL+N to write off an asset or an inventory asset in the Add to journalform.
In the Transaction datefield, enter the transaction date.
In the Transaction typefield, select Writing-offas the transaction type.
In the FA numberfield, select the fixed asset number.
You cannot modify the Value modelfield, because all value model write-offs for the transaction are run at the same time.
Click the Generaltab.
In the Reason codefield, select the reason code.
Click OK. The write-off lines for all value models registered in the fixed assets account are created in the journal.
Click Group operations> Write-offto create depreciation transactions.
In the Disposal datefield, enter the disposal date.
Click OK. Depreciation transactions for transactions with all value models are created in the journal.
Click Validate> Validateto validate the depreciation transactions.
Click Post> Postto post the transaction.
Fixed asset and ledger transactions are created in the fixed assets account, and the status changes to Written off.
Click Fixed assets> Common Forms> Fixed assets> Value modelsto open the FA value modelsform.
Select the write off fixed asset transaction. In the Disposal dateand Disposal costfields, the disposal date and cost details are displayed in the Generaltab.
Click Transactionsto open the FA transactionsform and view the transactions created for each value model.
Click Documents> Act on writing off (№ FA-4)or Act on writing off (№ OC-4a)to print the report.