Fixed assets> Setup> Location

Use this form to create the fixed asset account locations. Locations are defined for fixed assets to assist in counting and depreciation accrual. Depending on the fixed asset locations, the calculated depreciation amount is allocated to the production cost of the product or to a ledger account.

Note Note

The location is defined before the asset is acquired.

Task that uses this form

Navigating the form

The following tables provide descriptions for the controls in this form.





Create the fixed asset location.


View or modify the fixed asset location details.

Fixed Asset Posting Profiles

Set up posting profiles to which the fixed asset depreciation will be accrued depending on the fixed asset location.





Enter a code for the fixed asset location.


Enter a description for the fixed asset location.


Select from the following options:

  • Table- The posting profile is applicable for a fixed asset.

  • Group- The posting profile is applicable for a depreciation group.

  • All- The posting profile is applicable for all fixed assets.

  • Accounting- The posting profile is applicable for a defined value model.

Account/Group number

Select a value model, depreciation group, or a fixed asset that the posting profile will be used for.

Ledger account

Select the ledger account number for posting the fixed asset transaction.

Account for depr. bonus

Select the ledger account number for posting the depreciation bonus, if appropriate.

See Also