You can reject (void) an open cash journal and any cash journals that require confirmation. An incorrect document with a Confirmedstatus can also be rejected. If a voided cash order is posted to the journal, no transaction is created. When you enter the next cash vouchers into the journal, the sequential numbering continues, taking the voided order into account.
Click Bank> Setup> Parametersto open the Bank parametersform.
Select the Use Confirm statuscheck box to post a cash voucher with confirmation.
Press CTRL+S or close the form.
Click Bank> Journals> Slip journalto open the Journalform.
For more information, see "Journal header (form)" in the Applications and Business Processes Help.
Select the journal to reject.
Click Linesto open the Journal voucherform, and select the cash order line to reject.
To reject the cash order, click Documents approval> Reject.
The cash order must be generated in the slip journal and confirmed using the Documents approval> Confirmbutton. The Approval statusmust be Confirmedand the cash order must be created according to the voucher.
After the cash order is rejected, its Approval statusis displayed as Rejected.
Press CTRL+S or close the form.