You can generate the 1-T bill of lading form from a sales order along with a TORG-12 or M-15 form. The 1-T bill of lading report can also be generated by using the Update factureform.
Click Accounts receivable> Common Forms> Sales Order Details.
Press CTRL+N to create a sales order.
For more information, see "Create a sales order" in the Applications and Business Processes Help.
Click Posting> Factureto open the Update factureform.
Select the Bill of ladingcheck box to print the 1-T bill of lading (facture) report.
On the Bill of ladingtab (lower pane), in the Typefield, select the type of license card.
In the Registration numberfield, enter the registration number for the license card.
In the Seriesfield, enter the series of license card.
In the Numberfield, enter the number of license card.
In the Carrier typefield, select the type of carrier.
In the Carrierfield, select the carrier company.
Based on the type of carrier selected, you can select a customer or vendor account in the Carrierfield. However, you cannot select a carrier company if you select Invoice accountin the Carrier typefield.
In the Delivery datefield, select the delivery date for the goods.
In the Modelfield, select the carrier vehicle model.
In the Reg. No.field, enter the registration number of the vehicle.
In the Waybillfield, enter a number for the shipment of consignment of goods.
In the Driver's namefield, enter the name of the driver of the vehicle.
In the Driving licensefield, enter the driving license number of the driver.
In the Typefield, select the type of transport.
Click OKto generate the 1-T bill of lading (facture) report.
For more information, see (RUS) Update facture (form).
Click Accounts receivable> Inquiries> Distribution> Bill of lading
Accounts receivable> Inquiries> Journals> Invoice> Bill of lading.
Select the bill of lading, and then click Printto generate the report.
You can view or modify the details of the bill of lading in the Bill of ladingform.