Use this form to view the balance of a cash account for a specified date. You can also view detailed balance information categorized according to currency code.

Open the form

Bank> Inquiries> Cash balance


Bank> Journals> Slip journal> Lines> Inquiries> Cash balance


  1. Click Bank> Common Forms> Cash accounts.

  2. Select a cash account and click Cash balance.

Note Note

To create a new cash account, press CTRL+N, and enter the required details.

Task that uses this form

Navigating the form

The following table provides descriptions for the controls in this form.




To date

Select or modify the date for the account balance to be displayed.


The total balance in the cash account on the specified date.

Currency distribution

Select this check box to display the account balance by currency code.

Note Note

The following fields are displayed only if the Currency distributioncheck box is selected.


The code of the currency to be displayed.

Amount currency

The balance on the specified date in the currency specified in the Currencyfield.


The balance on the specified date in the default currency of the company.

Exchange adjustment amount

The exchange adjustment amount of the cash transactions.

See Also