Staff accounting> Salary payment> Pay-sheets


Staff accounting> Payroll calculation> Payroll pay-sheets

Use this form to create or view pay sheets for salary payments.

Task that uses this form

Navigating the form

The following tables provide descriptions for the controls in this form.





Create or view a pay sheet.


Enter or view the pay sheet transaction details.

Pay-roll content

Create or view payroll transaction details for employees.





Open the To cash for the timely paymentform to transfer the pay-sheets to show that their status is due.


Open the Generation of pay-sheetsform to create a pay sheet for the specified period.


Delete all payroll pay-sheets.


Open the following menu items:

  • Pay-roll– Print the pay sheet report.

  • Total payroll– Open the Total payrollreport to print the total payroll.


Open the New sumform to enter the same payment amount in the sheet for all employees who are included in the pay sheet with the type Aggregate.


Open the standard query form to generate the payroll based on the selection criteria.


Add employees from the vacations list.




Reporting period

Select or enter the month and year of the reporting period. By default the current accounting period from the module settings is displayed.

Pay-roll type

Open the following menu items:

  • Aggregate– The total amount of payments due to the employee is greater than zero.

    Note Note

    After payment of the pay sheet, the amount will be included as a special type of deduction known as Mid-period payments, specified in the module settings.

  • Pay-roll– The employees with accruals in the current calculation period if the amount of accruals exceeds the amount of deductions.

  • Vacations– The employee's accrued vacation pay in the current calculation period.

    Note Note

    If Vacationsis selected, only the vacations of the employees whose individual calculation period is equal to the pay sheet calculation period will be listed.

  • Advance– The deductions that differ from mid-period deductions.

  • Interim– The regular salary payments during the account calculation period.

    Note Note

    This is generated only when the total amount accrued by the employee is greater than zero. After payment of the pay sheet, the amount will be included as a Mid-period paymentsdeduction, specified in the module settings. If Interimis selected, the employees' individual calculation period will be equal to the end date of the pay sheet calculation period.

Payroll number

The number of the pay sheet.

Note Note

The field is automatically filled in with a unique pay sheet number in accordance with the number sequence specified for pay sheets in the module parameters.


Enter the correction date of the pay sheet.


Enter the description of the pay sheet in relation to the selected sheet type.

Department code

The department code of the organization.


Modify the total amount paid for the pay sheet.


The payment status of the pay sheet.

Start date

Enter or select the start date of the payment term.

Expiry date

Enter or select the end date of the payment term.


Enter the rounding precision required for the pay sheet.

Withholding tax

Select this check box if the payments in the pay sheet are taxable.


Select the employee ID.

Employee name

The employee name.

Payment via bank

Select this check box to pay the employee through the bank.

See Also