You can use the Pay type setupform to view or modify the pay types for different employees.
Click Staff accounting> Setup> Calculation> Pay typesto open the Pay type setupform.
Press CTRL+N to create a new pay type.
In the Pay typefield, enter the pay type code.
In the Namefield, enter the name of the pay type.
In the Categoryfield, select the pay type as Incomeor Retention.
In the Income codefield, select the income code for which the accrual is made.
This field is editable only if you select the Categoryas Income. The income code is used when you calculate an employee's income tax report information.
Select the Posting blockedcheck box if you do not want to generate transactions in the general ledger for the amounts deducted with the specified pay type, such as mid-period payments.
In the Periodfield, select No, Month, Quarter, Half-year, Years, or Accumulated in totalto indicate the duration of the period for which an accrual is carried out.
This value is used to calculate bonuses from the work totals for the month, quarter, half-year, or year for the average-earned calculations.
Click the Setuptab, and in the Entry validationfield group, specify whether users can manually enter data in the corresponding fields in the Payroll journal linesform.
In the Ratefield, select the rate by which the value in the Quantityfield is multiplied, to determine the value in the Amountfield, when you enter lines in the Payroll journal linesform.
Select the Percent valuecheck box to calculate the rate as a percentage of the value in the Quantityfield in the Payroll journal linesform.
In the Roundingfield, select the value rounding method for the payroll journal line as Up/Down, Down, or Up.
In the Precisionfield, enter the precision of the value rounded for the payroll journal lines in the Payroll journal linesform.
Click the Off-budget fundtab.
This tab is displayed only if you select the Categoryfield as Income. You can specify where funds or calculation bases for this pay type are entered.
In the Remainingfield group, select a line and click <to transfer it to the Selectedfield group.
Click the Base totaltab.
This tab is displayed only if you select the Categoryfield as Retention.
In the Remainingfield group, select a line and click <to transfer it to the Selectedfield group.
You can specify how pay types are entered in this or another fund or calculation base, in the Off-budget funds and labor remuneration fund taxesform.
Click Dependenciesto open the Dependenciesform, where you can view the counter or statistics statement for which this pay type is used.
Press CTRL+S or close the form.
Click Copyto open the Creation of a new pay type on the basis of existing oneform, where you can copy the setup from one pay type to another.
When you copy a pay type setup, the affiliation of the pay types to off-budget funds and calculation bases, their settings, and the posting setup is saved.
Press OKor Cancelto close the Creation of a new pay type on the basis of existing oneform.
Press CTRL+S or close the Pay type setupform.