To create a recalculated sick list:
Update the necessary sick list calculation parameters.
Create recalculated sick lists manually or automatically.
Add recalculated sick lists to the salary of the current month.
Perform the payroll calculation.
The recalculation of sick lists and posting of additional charges are performed if calculation parameters are modified prior to the end date of a sick list. For example, if the minimum or maximum benefit amount is changed, you must recalculate.
When you use the Recalculation of sick listsform, you initiate a periodic operation that reports the number of recalculated sick lists created and compares the recalculated sick list with the initial sick list. Several recalculations may exist for one sick list.
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The recalculated sick lists have no effect on time sheets. After a recalculated sick list is created, the initial sick list cannot be excluded from the salary. |
Click Staff accounting> Calculation procedures> Sick-lists> Sick-lists' input, calculation and adjustmentto open the Sick-listsform.
Press CTRL+N to create a new sick list.
In the Calculation method codefield, select an average-earnings calculation method code.
In the Employeefield, select the code of the employee who is on sick list.
In the Recalculated sick-listfield, select the number of the sick list to be recalculated or updated.
The sick list number for a recalculated sick list is automatically displayed in the Sick-list numberfield. This number is based on the following format: the number of the initial sick list divided by the ordinal number of the recalculation. All parameters from the initial sick list are copied to the recalculated sick list, with the exception of the average-earnings calculation and the benefit calculation details on the Calculationtab.
Select the Add to salarycheck box to add the recalculated sick list to the current monthly salary.
When you select this check box to add the recalculated sick list of type Child rearing leaveto the salary, the last date of the existing periodic payment for the initial sick list is equal to the last day of the previous month. New periodic payments linked to the recalculated sick list are then created. If the Add to salarycheck box is cleared, the last date of the existing periodic payment that is related to the initial sick list is equal to the end date of the initial sick list. The periodic payments linked to the recalculated sick list are then removed.
Click Calculationto open the Sick-listsform.
Enter the selection criteria to begin the sick list calculation procedure, and then click OK.
Click Payroll linesto view the corrective payroll lines that are related to the initial sick list in the Sick-listsform.
In the corrective payroll lines, all fields are copied from the initial payroll lines, with the exception of the calculation period that is set to the current calculation period in the Calculation periodfield and the amount that is set to the initial amount with the opposite sign in the Amountfield. The payroll lines for the recalculated sick list are created.
Press CTRL+S or close the Sick-listsform.
Click Staff accounting> Periodic> Recalculation of sick-liststo open the Recalculation of sick-listsform.
Click Selectto open the Inquiryform, and then enter the selection criteria to recalculate the sick lists added to the salary. Click OK.
In the Recalculation of sick-listsform, click OKto report the number of recalculated sick lists created and compare the recalculated sick list with the initial sick list.
The average daily or hourly earnings for the recalculated sick list are compared with the initial sick list, if the sick list is of the type Child rearing leave. For sick lists of other types, the total amounts of sick list benefits are compared and displayed in the Total for sick-listfield on the Calculationtab. If there are differences between the recalculated and initial sick lists, the recalculated sick list is saved.