When you run a calculation procedure, you can generate a pay type transaction list, for which the accounts and financial dimensions are specified. You can validate the accounts and dimensions in the pay type transaction list to ensure that they correspond to the pay type setup and the distribution to departments. Use the Distribution controlform to validate this correspondence.
Click Staff accounting> Queries> Distribution controlto open the Distribution controlform.
On the Overviewtab, you can view the details of all accruals and deductions entered or calculated in the Staff accountingmodule for the open calculation period. You can only make modifications before the salary journal is created.
Click the Postingtab.
You can view or modify details, such as the code of an employee's department, posting to accounts and dimensions made by the user for a specific pay type transaction and about control posting. The control account and financial dimensions are specified in the settings for distribution to departments and pay types. The posting is specified in the pay types setup, and then all details are filled in from the distribution to departments setup.
Click Show> Incorrect onlyto view only those transactions for payment types for which the posting settings do not match the control settings, or the control and the transaction settings have not been set.
You can correct the transactions manually so that their posting settings match the control settings. However, this is not a mandatory prerequisite for creating a salary journal.
Click Show> Allto display all pay type transactions, including correct and incorrect transactions.
Press CTRL+S or close the form.