You can perform the basic setup to calculate average earnings for all employees in the General settings for average earned calculationform. For a specific employee, use the Employee average earned calculation methodform. You can change the setup for a specific average-earned calculation transaction in the Employee average earned calculationform. An employee's average daily or weekly earnings can be calculated based on the by daysor by hourscalculation type.
Click Staff accounting> Average earned calculation> Average earned calculation linesto open the Employee average earned calculationform.
In the Reporting periodfield, modify the calculation period, if required.
Note This field displays the current calculation period by default.
Click Add linesto open the Average earn calculation line createform and add the calculation lines automatically.
In the Calculationfield, select the code for the average-earned calculation method for an employee.
Click Selectto specify the criteria for the employee whose average earnings are being calculated.
Note If you do not select an employee, the calculation lines are created for all employees for the selected calculation method.
Click OKto add the calculation lines in the Employee average earned calculationform.
Note You can also create calculation lines manually. Press CTRL+N to create a new line in the Employee average earned calculationform, and then specify the method code to calculate the average earnings in the Calculation method codefield. In the Employeefield, select an employee whose average earnings are being calculated.
Click Calendarto open the Calendars setupform to define the employee's work schedule.
Press CTRL+S or close the form.
Note The average earnings are displayed in the Average earningsfield, based on the calculation method.
Click the Calculationtab.
Press CTRL+N to open the Salary Reportform.
In the Calculation periodfield, select the month and year of the calculation period.
In the Payment sourcefield, select the source of payments for the amount accrued as Wage fundor Health Fund.
Click OKto add new lines on the Calculationtab.
In the Daysfield, enter the number of work days in the month for the employee.
In the Amountfield, enter the amount accrued to calculate average earnings.
Note The average daily earnings of the selected employee are displayed in the Average per dayfield. The average daily or weekly earnings are displayed in the Average earningsfield.
Click Functions> Recalculationto recalculate the employee's average earned wages if additional accruals were made.
Note If the values in the Daysand Amountfields are modified, these modifications are not saved on recalculation.
Click Functions> Hours worked accountingto view the work hour details in the Resulting information about employee worked hoursform.
Press CTRL+S or close the form.
Click Functions> Bonusto view the bonus details for the calculation of the average earnings by an employee in the Bonusform.
Note You can view all the bonuses accrued by an employee in the selected calculation period. The Includedcheck box is selected for the accruals that are related to an employee's average-earned wages calculation. If the bonus amount exceeds the permissible limit for the average-earned calculation, the bonus is selected for the period for a single reason, depending on the bonus inclusion criteria defined for the calculation method.
Press CTRL+S or close the form.
Click Functions> Payroll linesto view the employee accruals for the selected calculation period in the Pay type transaction listform.
Press CTRL+S or close the form.
Note To delete the journal lines, click Delete journal linesto open the Average earn calculation line deleteform. Select a calculation method in the Calculationsfield. Click Selectto specify the criteria to select the code of the employee for whom you want to delete the calculation line, and then click OK.
Press CTRL+S or close the Employee average earned calculationform.