After you have calculated the payroll and all of the last payroll line changes, NDFL archives, and payments to off-budget funds have been calculated, a salary journal is created in the General ledger.
The lines of the salary journal can be edited or even deleted, although this is not recommended, since deletions can cause deviations from the pay sheets. After you post the salary journal, no changes can be made. However, if necessary, you can create a journal of reversed transactions for the posted journal.
Select Staff accounting> Payroll calculation> Salary journalto open the Journalform.
For more information, see "General journal lines" in the Applications and Business Processes Help.
Click Create (g)> Create journalto create lines for the next transaction journal. The Create journaloption is available only if the payroll, NDFL, and funds for the current period have been calculated.
If the payroll lines have no account or offset ledger account, a warning message is displayed, stating that the records with incorrect or unspecified posting profiles exist. Depending on the value of the Compressionfield in the Payroll parametersform, you can itemize transactions per account, per each employee, or separately per each accrual or deduction. In the Calculation periodfield, the current payroll calculation month and year is displayed.
In the Namefield, select the journal.
In the Descriptionfield, the name of the month in which the payroll calculation takes place is displayed. You can modify the description.
Click Linesto view and correct lines of the salary journal in the Journal voucherform.
Click Validateto check for any errors.
Click Post> Postto post the journal.
The journal is posted in the General ledger.
Press CTRL+S or close the Journal voucherform.
Click Create (g)> Reverse journalto reverse the payroll transactions.
A journal containing a reversal of lines of the original journal is automatically created.
Press CTRL+S or close the form.