Russian Federation legislation has required changes in income tax calculation for non-residents. The tax rate is fixed at 30 percent for all income gained by natural persons who are not tax residents of the Russian Federation, excluding any income gained as dividends from shares of Russian organizations, for which the tax rate is fixed at 15 percent.
Click Staff accounting> Income tax> Setup> Tax calculation settingsto open the Tax calculation settingsform.
Click the Generaltab.
In the Number of days for residentfield, select the number of days required to assign resident status to an employee.
The rates for non-residents must be created in the Ratesform.
In the Period for defining statusfield, select the rate that defines the number of consecutive months during which the non-resident employee must remain in Russia for a specified number of days.
Press CTRL+S or close the form.
Click Staff accounting> Income tax> Setup> Income tax> Income codesto open the Income codesform.
In the Rate for non-residentsfield, select the tax rates for non-residents.
The rates for non-residents must be created in the Ratesform.
Press CTRL+S or close the form.
Click Staff accounting> Common Forms> Employee table> Sales tax> Periods of stay of employee in RFto open the Periods of stay of employee in RFform.
In the Start dateand End datefields, enter the starting and ending dates of the employee's stay in the Russian Federation.
Press CTRL+S or close the form.