Use the Depositsform to record the payment of deposited amounts through an employee's salary calculations against payroll, or through the cash module by creating a cash slip. If no deposits have been paid for a period of three years, the amount is written off against profit. Before you pay and close a deposit, you need to set up salary payments and then create a pay sheet and remit necessary payments. For more information, you can see (RUS) Set up salary paymentsand (RUS) Create a pay sheet and make payments.
Click Staff accounting> Salary payment> Deposit> Register of depositsto open the Depositsform.
The top left corner of the form displays the current accounting period.
In the Employeefield, select the employee and view the deposits that have been made.
Select the employee line with the required deposit amount.
Click Pay> Via cash moduleto open the Cash paymentform to pay the deposit through the cash module.
When you select this option, a cash payment order is generated automatically.
Click OK.
Click Pay> Against payrollif the deposit is to be paid against payroll.
When you select this option, the amount to be paid is generated automatically.
Click Pay> Against profitto open the Deposit closing against profitform, and then click Yesto close the deposit against profit.
You cannot close the deposit against profit unless the deposit has expired. A warning message is displayed if the deposit has not yet expired.
Press CTRL+S or close the Depositsform.
Click Staff accounting> Salary payment> Deposit> Deposit closing against profitto open the Deposit closing against profitform.
In the Close all, incl periodfield, select or enter the period during which the deposited amounts can be written off against profit.
Click OKto close the form.
The deposit will be closed against profit after a specified period. A transaction will be created based on the set up on the Deposittab of the Salary payment setupform.