Staff accounting> Average earned calculation> Setup> General
You can calculate a wide range of salary accruals using the average-earned method. These include per diem, travel allowances, gifts, annual bonuses, vacations, and sick-lists. Use this form to establish general settings for the average-earned calculation.
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The following tables provide descriptions for the controls in this form.
Tab |
Description |
General |
Select or view details about the following:
Field |
Description |
From 5 to 6 days working week |
Select a rate that contains the conversion factor for converting from a 5-day work week to a 6-day work week. |
From 5 to 7 days working week |
Select a rate that contains the conversion factor for converting from a 5-day work week to a 7-day work week. |
Average days number in month |
Select a rate that contains the average number of days in the month. |
Salary scale |
Select a rate that contains the employee's salary or pay scale rate. |