You can calculate salary accruals by using the average earnings per diem, travel allowance, gifts, annual bonuses, vacations, and sick lists. Different methods are used to calculate different accrual types. Use the General settings for average earned calculationform to set up parameters for the average-earnings calculation methods that are used in calculations.
To define calculation methods for all employees in your organization, use the General settings for average earned calculationform. For an individual employee, these methods are defined by using the Employee average earned calculation methodform.
Basic setup
for the average-earnings calculation
Select Staff accounting> Average earned calculation> Setup> Generalto open the General settings for average earned calculationform.
In the From 5 to 6 days working weekfield, select the conversion factor rate to convert the work week from 5 to 6 days.
In the From 5 to 7 days working weekfield, select the conversion factor rate to convert the work week from 5 to 7 days.
In the Average days number in monthfield, select the rate code to specify the average number of days in the month for the average-earnings calculation.
In the Salary scalefield, select the rate code to specify the salary or pay scale.
Press CTRL+S or close the form.
Set up the
average-earnings calculation method for all employees
Select Staff accounting> Average earned calculation> Setup> Calculation methodto open the Average earn methodform.
Press CTRL+N to create a new average-earnings calculation method.
In the Calculation method codefield, enter a code for the method.
In the Namefield, enter a name for the method.
In the Number of monthfield, select the rate code for the number of months in the calculation period.
The numbers of months before making payments, the number of hours worked, and the employee's accruals during these months are included in the average-earnings calculation.
In the Working week durationfield, select the number of days in a week as 5 days, 6 days, or 7 days.
In the Calculation method of short monthfield, select the method used to calculate the days or hours worked if the employee does not work for the entire period:
Summary- Based on the number of days or hours the employee worked in a month, including the time worked according to the work schedule, and excluding the time absent.
Calendar- Based on the daily time sheet and calendar details, including the days worked according to the work schedule, and excluding the time absent, divided by the number of calendar days in the month and multiplied by the average number of days in the month.
By coefficient- Based on the number of days or hours worked by an employee in a month, including the actual time worked after applying the conversion factor rate, and considering the duration of the work week.
In the Calculation typefield, select the calculation type for average hourly or daily earnings by hoursor by days.
If the calculation method is Calendarin the Calculation method of short monthfield, you must select the calculation type as by days.
Click the Generaltab.
In the Calculation method of full monthfield, select the average-earnings calculation method if the employee works for the entire calculation period:
According to calendar- Based on the number of days or hours worked in the calculation period according to the schedule.
Average value- Based on the average number of days per month.
In the Base of calculationfield, select the base for the average-earnings calculation.
This base includes the pay types that are used to calculate the average earnings amount.
In the Average earned basefield, select the calculation base for which the average-earnings payment types are defined.
If no accruals from previous calculation periods are included in the Base of calculationfield, the average earnings amount is calculated by using the accruals calculated for the average earnings.
In the Step-up ratiofield, select the indexing factor rate for average-earnings calculation.
In the According to schedulefield, select a time group that defines the time according to the work schedule.
In the Actually workedfield, select a time group that defines the actual hours worked by the employee.
You cannot modify this field if you select the Summaryor Calendarin the Calculation method of short monthfield.
In the Absence from workfield, select a time group that defines the time of absence from work.
You cannot modify this field if you select By coefficientin the Calculation method of short monthfield.
In the On averagefield, select a time group to define the time for which the accruals specified in the Average earned basefield are calculated.
In the Bonus basefield, select the bonus calculation base that includes the pay types that correspond to the incentives from the material incentives fund for the period.
In the Criteria of bonus accountingfield, select the bonus accounting rule for average-earnings calculation as Maximal, Minimal, First, or Last.
If the bonus exceeds the permitted amount for the average-earnings calculation, the bonus for the period is selected for a single reason, based on the selected criteria. One-twelfth of the bonus for the previous year is included in each month for average-earnings calculation.
Select the Proportional calculationcheck box to include the bonus in the average-earnings calculation in proportion to the hours worked.
Press CTRL+S or close the form.
Set up the
average-earnings calculation method for an individual
Select Staff accounting> Average earned calculation> Setup> Employee setupto open the Employee average earned calculation methodform.
Press CTRL+N to create a new average-earnings calculation method for an individual employee.
In the Calculation method codefield, select an average-earnings calculation method code for the employee.
You can view and modify the details of the selected calculation method in the corresponding fields on the Overviewand Generaltabs.
In the Employeefield, select the employee number.
You can view the name of the employee in the Employee namefield.
Press CTRL+S or close the form.