The consolidation functionality enables you to roll-up the financial results of a number of subsidiary companies into a consolidated company. The subsidiaries can be within the same Microsoft Dynamics AX database or in separate Microsoft Dynamics AX databases.

The financial results of subsidiaries whose accounts are recorded in other programs can be imported into a consolidated company, if appropriate comma-delimited export files with the correct information are created.

Consolidation of subsidiaries whose data is recorded in foreign currencies can be performed in accordance with Regulation 52 of the Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP), which are created and interpreted by the Financial Standards Accounting Board (FASB) and the International Account Standards (IAS).

You can select – according to the translation method that is required in your country/region – different exchange rates for various types of ledger accounts in the consolidated company. You can also specify the account in the consolidated company to which exchange differences will be posted.

The following topics provide information about tasks that are related to consolidating transactions.

About consolidation translation methods

Example of consolidation with currency conversion

Prepare a consolidated company for a consolidation

Set up a subsidiary company for consolidation

Perform an online consolidation

Perform an export/import consolidation

View and delete consolidation transactions