> > >


> > >

Use this form to set up integration with Production.

Note Note

There are two versions of the form. If the multisite feature is activated it is possible to set up specific parameters for each site in > > > .

For more information, see About sites and the multisite functionality.

Navigating the form

The following tables provide descriptions for the controls in this form.




View or create parameter settings for a specific site.

View or edit general parameters.

View or edit parameters for starting production jobs.

View or edit parameters for operations and feedback on operations.

View or edit parameters for reporting finished items on a production order.

View or edit parameters for quantity validation on production jobs.




Select a site.

The name of the site.

Controls which parameter settings are used when the multisite feature is activated. The options are:

- The company-wide parameters are always used. This is the only option that is available when the multisite feature is not activated.

- The parameters for the selected site are used. If no site parameter is defined, the program uses the parameter that is defined for the company. This option is available only when the multisite feature is activated.

Select the default time allocation type for bundled jobs.

Select to post time journals immediately when registrations are transferred to Production.

Select the journal to post time to when registrations are transferred to Production.

For more information, see Calculating, approving, and transferring registrations.

Select this option if piecework orders must be specified separately. Otherwise, piecework setup covers all orders.

Select which formula should be used for the calculating piecework rate.

Note Note

The standard version of Microsoft Dynamics AX has only one formula.

Select to calculate cost based on cost categories that are applied on the route, instead of calculating cost based on the payroll transactions that are generated for each employee.

Select the basis for applying dimensions to production registrations.

Specify how production orders are updated when an employee starts a production job.

  • - Nothing is updated on the production order.

  • - Started quantity is updated on the production order. This selection enables the field in the registration form.

  • - Only the statuses of the production order and operations are updated to .

Select this option to apply specific production order start parameters that are set up in Shop Floor Control.

Otherwise, the parameters are selected in the same way as when the start process is run from > > > ..

Select to open the form when a production order is started from Shop Floor Control. For more information, see About starting a production order. About starting a production order

Select to open picking list journals that are automatically generated during the start process.

This can be necessary if, for example, inventory dimensions have to be applied or edited.

Select to update the started quantity of the production.

Select to start any subproductions or upper-level productions that are attached to the current production.

Select the route card journal.

Specify how the route automatic time consumption is handled. The options are as follows:

  • - A journal with route consumption is generated according to the route group setting on the operation. If automatic consumption of setup and process time and automatic reporting of the finished quantity are selected for the attached route group, a journal with route consumption is generated.

  • - A journal with route consumption is generated automatically regardless of settings.

  • - No route consumption journal is generated on startup.

Select to post the automatically generated route card immediately.

Select to create the route card journal with the operations that are marked as completed.

Note Note

The route card journal is created regardless of the setting of the field.

Select the picking list journal to use for automatic posting on startup.

Select how to apply automatic consumption on bills of materials.

  • - Automatically register consumption on BOM items where is selected in the field.

  • - Always register BOM consumption.

  • - Do not register BOM consumption.

  • For more information, see About production parameters in Shop Floor Control.

Select to post automatically generated picking list journals immediately.

Select to create the picking list journal with end-marked lines. This means that no additional material consumption is expected to be posted for the production order.

Select to reduce the calculated consumption to what is physically available in inventory.

Select to pick BOM item consumption automatically, regardless of whether the quantity or amount is available in inventory.

Note Note

The option must also be selected for the .

Select to update the status for all BOM items, including items without a calculated consumption.

Select one of the following options to specify how to create the picking list journal:

  • Blank- One journal is created to contain all entries for the production order.

  • - One journal is created for each route type.

  • - One journal is created for each operation.

Select one of the following options:

  • – Production orders are job scheduled.

  • – Production orders are operations scheduled.

Select a production journal.

The selected journal is used to post finished items on operations and update statuses on jobs.


Select to post the automatically generated route or job cards immediately.

Select how to apply automatic consumption on bills of materials when reporting feedback on operations:

  • - Automatically register consumption on BOM items where is selected in the field.

  • - Always register BOM consumption.

  • - Do not register BOM consumption.

  • For more information, see About production parameters in Shop Floor Control.

Select to allow employees to register on this job type.

Select to allow employees to register on this job type.

Select to allow employees to register on this job type.

Select to allow employees to register on this job type.

Select to allow employees to register on this job type.

Select to allow employees to register on this job type.

Select the picking list journal to use for automatic posting on operations.


Select to post the automatically generated picking list journals immediately.

Select how the production order is updated when items are reported as finished on the last operation:

  • - Nothing is updated on the production order.

  • - Quantity is updated and status is updated to .

  • - Status is updated to .

  • - Finished quantity is updated on the production order.

Note Note

If Status, Quantity, or Status + quantity is selected, consider the other parameter settings on this tab.

Select to apply specific report as finish parameters set up in Shop Floor Control.

Otherwise, the parameters are selected in the same way as when the report as finished process is run from > > > .

Select to open the report as finish journal when reporting finished items on the last operation.

If route consumption is posted, select the route card.

Specify how the route's time consumption is handled. Time consumption is recorded when you post to the ledger. The options are as follows:

  • - Consumption is entered according to the route group operation settings for the route. If automatic consumption of setup and process time and automatic reporting of the finished quantity are selected for the attached route group, then consumption is entered automatically.

  • - Consumption is entered automatically, regardless of settings.

  • - Route consumption is entered when production is reported as finished, or manually recorded through the route card journal or job card journal.

Select the check box to create the route card journal with the operations that are marked as completed.

Note Note

The route card journal is created regardless of the automatic route consumption setting.

Select the journal to use for recording material consumption from the picking list.

Select how to apply automatic consumption on bills of materials when reporting finished items on the production order:

  • : Automatically register consumption according to the setting of the field on the BOM line.

  • : Always register automatic consumption.

  • : Do not register automatic consumption.

For more information, see About production parameters in Shop Floor Control.

Select the check box to create the picking list journal with end-marked lines. This means that no additional material consumption is expected to be posted for the production order.

Select the journal for reporting finished items on the production order.

Select the check box to indicate that this is an end job, and that no additional reporting as finished is expected for the production. This deletes excess inventory transactions with an or status. The status of the production order changes to , and you cannot estimate costs for, schedule, release, or start the production order. If you leave the field blank, you can still run the updates discussed here for the production order.

This field controls a feature that checks your update data and warns you of any inconsistencies. If there are inconsistencies, an error log is displayed, and the report as finished update is canceled. The program checks the following items:

  • The quantity that is reported as finished must be less than the quantity that is started on the production order.

  • The individual operations in the production route must be reported as finished.

  • All estimated raw materials consumption must be delivered.

  • The quantity that is reported as finished for the production must equal the quantity that is reported as finished for the last operation in the route.

Leave the field blank to receive the error log.

Select the check box if you do not want to receive the error log.

Enter a limit for the absolute maximum quantity of items that can be reported as finished on a job.

If a larger quantity is entered on a process job feedback, the user receives an Infolog message. The maximum quantity helps secure that only valid quantities are entered when employees provide feedback.

Select to validate the started quantity of a production process job.

This feature enables a specific validation of the start quantity of a process job.

To enable the feature, must be selected in the field.

Select the method to apply when validating the started quantity.

Select to accept that the started quantity exceeds the validation quantity up to a specific percentage.

Specify the acceptable percentage for an excess started quantity.

Select to validate the feedback quantity of a production process job.

This feature enables a specific validation of feedback quantities of process jobs.

Select the method to apply when validating the feedback quantity.

Select to accept that the feedback quantity exceeds the validation quantity up to a specific percentage.

Specify the acceptable percentage for an excess feedback quantity.

Select to accept that the feedback quantity is less than the validation quantity within a specific percentage.

Specify the acceptable percentage for a production shortage.

See Also