Use this form to override the profile and create a profile for the employee that applies only to the current day.

Navigating the form

The following tables provide descriptions for the controls in this form.




Overview tab

View profile lines.

General tab

Get information about a specific profile line.




Retrieve the current profile to edit and override it.

Cancel the override and return to the selected profile for the date.




Employee number.

The date for calculation.

Use this field to decide whether the first profile line in the profile specifications is on the previous workday.

This applies to working hours that go beyond midnight and into the next day. For example, select - (minus) if clock-in for work on Monday is Sunday night at 22.00.

See also Profile examples.

Minimum amount of time an employee must work on this day before receiving overtime or adding flexible hours to the flex balance.

Maximum number of flexible hours that can be added on the day before overtime applies.

Use this field to select the profile type for the current time zone.

For more information, see About profile types.

Enter the start time for the selected .

Enter the end time for the selected .

This is not necessary for and .

Enter a tolerance, which is used as a basis for rounding off the work time.

For example, if the tolerance is set at 15 on a , an employee who clocks in 10 minutes early is not credited for this time.

This applies only to and .

Enter a positive tolerance, which is used as a basis for rounding off the work time.

For example, if the tolerance is set at 10 on a , an employee who clocks out 5 minutes later than the expected is not credited for this time.

This applies only to and .

Switch code that, if registered, activates the use of the secondary profile type in this time zone.

Use this field to enter a secondary profile type, which is the profile type that is used for calculation if a break is cancelled or a specific switch code is registered.

See also About indirect activities.

See Also