Use this form to create, edit, or delete counting groups. All items to be counted can be associated with a counting group. The counting group determines how Microsoft Dynamics AX creates counting lines in a counting journal when the journal is created automatically. The counting group is used to count items using the counting journal.

Navigating the form

The following tables provide descriptions for the controls in this form.




Overview tab

Create, edit, or delete counting groups.

General tab

View basic information about counting groups.




Specify the name of the counting group. If, for example, the inventory is distributed among three halls, you create the counting groups Hall 1, Hall 2 and Hall 3.

Specify the full name of the counting group.

Select the counting code to use for the group.

For more information, see More Help….

If you specified Period in the Counting Code field, you must type the interval for the period in this field.

For more information, see More Help….

See Also