Use this form to create and manage the customers that the company does business with.
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You must create an alternate payment address for each customer who will make payments by using a French bill of exchange. |
Tasks that
use this form
the form
The following tables provide descriptions for the controls in this form.
Button |
Description |
Open the form, where you can view activities that are related to the selected customer. |
View the transactions of the selected customer. |
View balances of the selected customer. |
Enter or view additional information about the selected customer, such as bank account and alternative address information. |
Enter or view trade agreements, for example prices, discounts, and supplementary sales items. Send the customer a price list based on the trade agreements for that customer as an XML document. |
Edit open and closed transactions. |
Make inquiries about the selected customer, such as inquiries about orders, quotations, confirmations, invoices, collection letters, interest, statistics, and payment fees. |
View, create, and manage forecasts related to the selected customer. |
View information about projects for the selected customer, including project statements, cost control, invoice control, hour utilization, and cash flow. |
See the selected address on a map. |
Field |
Description |
Unique identifier of a customer. If you want the identifier to be generated automatically when you create a customer: |
Name of the customer. This name is printed on documents, such as invoices and account statements, which you send to the customer. |
Short name for the customer. If you enter a value in this field, you use this name when you search for customer data. If you do not make an entry in this field, the value in the field is by default available for use in searches. |
Invoice account, if any, to which the customer is linked. The invoice account is the account to which the invoice amount is debited. If you do not enter an invoice account, the customer account is used as the invoice account. Use invoice accounts if you have more than one customer with the same billing address, or if the customer is invoiced through a third party. |
Enter the customer group that the customer belongs to. You must attach a customer group to each customer. When you select the customer group, the values of certain fields in the form are automatically copied to the customer account. These include:
For more information, see Customer groups (form)and Create a customer group. |
Currency that is entered by default on invoices to the selected customer. |
The language used for all external documents to the selected customer, such as invoices and account statements. When you create a customer, the default language from the form is copied to this field, but you can change the language as appropriate. |
Customer classification group of the selected customer. |
Select the segment of business for the customer. |
Select the subsegment of business for the customer. |
Select the sales district that the customer is attached to. |
Select the company chain that the customer is a part of. |
Select the sales person who is the main contact for the customer. |
Enter any additional notes about the customer. |
Enter or select the address book identification number to connect this customer account to a global address book record. The address book ID is used when generating external customer statements that include transactions in multiple companies, and for receiving payments that include settlements with invoices in multiple companies. |
View whether the customer is a person or an organization. |
View or enter the organization number. |
Select this check box to enforce an automatic verification – before you post a sales order or invoice – of whether the selected customer has exceeded their credit limit. Set up the credit limit in the field on this same tab.
Credit rating of the customer. This field is only used for statistical purposes. |
Maximum amount that the selected customer is allowed to have as an outstanding account balance. This amount is always stated in the default currency of the customer. If the check box is selected and the account balance becomes greater than the credit limit specified in the field, no further sales orders or free text invoices can be posted for the selected customer.
Enter a government-issued identification number, such as a tax identification number (TIN), to identify the customer. This is useful if you need to locate customers for collection purposes. In some countries/regions, the tax identification number is called an Employer Identification Number (EIN) or federal tax ID. You can enter up to 50 numbers, letters, or other characters. This field is available only if is selected in the field.
Select the country/region from which the identification number is issued. |
Enter a government-issued license number, such as a driver's license number, to identify the customer. This is useful if you need to locate customers for collection purposes. If a license number is not available, you might enter a tax identification number or federal identification number. You can enter up to 50 numbers, letters, or other characters in this field. This field is available only if is selected in the field.
Select the state or province from which the license is issued. If the issuer is not included in the list, you can enter the issuer as part of the license number in the field. |
The kind of blocking that applies to the selected customer account:
Select if the selected customer is a one-time customer, or clear if the customer is no longer a one-time customer. You can set up a number sequence for one-time customers on the tab of the form.
Statistics group that the customer is attached to. You create statistics groups in the form. This field is used only for statistical purposes. |
Select how often an account statement is sent to the selected customer:
When you print statements, you can select customers according to the setting in this field. For example, to print quarterly statements, you can enter a range of transaction dates for the appropriate quarter and select all customers that have in this field. For more information, see Print periodic customer statements. |
Select this check box to include the customer in demand planning. |
Vendor account number, if any, of the selected customer. If a customer has a credit amount because of overpayment or a credit note, the periodic job transfers the amount to the vendor account of the customer.
If the customer is an organization, enter the organization's number of employees. |
Select an ABC code filter. |
Enter or view a professional prefix for the person, if applicable. |
Select or view a salutation for the person. |
Enter or view the person's first name. |
Enter or view the person's middle name, if applicable. |
Enter or view the person's last name. |
Enter or view a suffix for the person, if applicable. |
Enter or view a professional suffix for the person, if applicable. |
Change or view the order in which the person's name is displayed. |
Enter or view the organization's or person's initials. |
Select or view the gender of the person. |
Enter or view the person's nickname, if applicable. |
Enter or view the person's marital status. |
Enter or view the person's birthday, if applicable. |
Enter or view the person's anniversary, if applicable. |
Enter or view the names of the person's children, if applicable. |
Enter or view any known hobbies of the person, if applicable. |
Address to which invoices to the selected customer are sent:
Enter a number sequence group to use different number sequences for specific documents for the selected customer other than those that are set up as default customer number sequences on the tab of the form. The documents include sales invoices, sales invoice vouchers, sales credit notes, sales credit note vouchers, free text invoices, free text invoice vouchers, free text credit notes, free text credit note vouchers, packing slips, and packing slip vouchers.
Type of giro money transfer slip that is printed for sales invoices to the selected customer. |
Type of giro money transfer slip that is printed for free text invoices that are sent to the selected customer. |
Type of giro money transfer slip that is printed for interest notes to the selected customer. |
Type of giro money transfer slip that is printed on collection letters to the selected customer. |
Select the Finnish giro type for the project invoice, if appropriate. The default value for this field is . |
Enter the UPS freight zone that applies to the selected customer. |
Select the standard terms of delivery for the selected customer.
Mode of delivery that applies to sales to the selected customer. |
Reason for the delivery to the selected customer. |
Destination code that applies to the customer. You can use destination codes to divide deliveries into groups according to customer location. |
Days on which the customer wants to receive their orders. |
Select the sales tax group that applies to the selected customer. The sales tax group contains the sales tax codes that are available for use on sales and purchases. |
Tax exempt number of the selected customer. Sales to companies in other countries/regions are often reported on the basis of tax exempt numbers.
Select this check box if you want prices to include sales tax. |
Packing duty license number from the sales tax authority. |
Fiscal code for the selected customer. This code is used in sales tax reporting. The field is not validated. |
Enter a tax border number, which is required for Åland island taxes. This number might be required to post Åland island transactions if the check box is selected in the form. |
Enter the packaging material fee license number of the recycling company used by the customer. Fill in the license number if the customer pays packaging material fees and you want to print this information on the invoice. If your company pays the packaging material fees, leave this field blank. |
Select if item tagging is mandatory. |
Select if case tagging is mandatory. |
Select if pallet tagging is mandatory. |
Select to automatically create intercompany purchase and sales orders when you close the sales order. |
Specify that you want intercompany orders to be delivered directly to the customer and that the delivery information is synchronized to the intercompany purchase and sales order. |
Specify that you want to allow your intercompany vendor to be able to add additional lines to the original sales order. This is only possible if you have selected the field on the original sales order.
European Article Numbering (EAN) number that is assigned to this customer. This number is used for electronic invoicing of public sector organizations.
If this check box is selected, the address is shared in the form. |
If this check box is selected, the address is the primary address for the customer. |
The name of the organization or contact person for the selected address. |
Specify how to use the selected address:
The street name and number of the address of the selected customer. |
ZIP/postal Code of the customer address. This code is often used for searching and sorting. |
City of the ZIP/postal Code. |
County of the customer address. This field is often used for searching and sorting.
State of the customer address. This field is often used for searching and sorting.
Country/region of the customer address. |
Address of the customer as it appears on reports and printouts. This field is filled out automatically with the information that you enter in the other address fields and according to the address format, if any, which is set up for the country/region in the form. |
Site that you usually ship from when you deliver goods to the selected customer. For more information, see (Site) Form. |
Warehouse that you usually ship from when you deliver goods to the selected customer. |
Customer group for external item descriptions. |
Commission group that the customer is attached to. |
Sales group that is attached to the selected customer. The sales group includes a sales representative for the customer. When you create an invoice to the customer, the sales representative code of the sales group is entered by default, but you can modify this field or leave it blank. When a sales representative is linked to a customer, the commission is automatically calculated on the sale. |
Sales order pool that sales orders to the selected customer are placed in. |
Account number for the company, if any, in the records of the selected customer. |
Product model group of the selected customer. |
Identification of the intercompany account number, if the selected customer is an intercompany company. |
Select the order entry deadline group, which specifies the order entry deadline for a specific group of customers. |
Multiline discount group that the customer belongs to. |
Total discount group that the customer belongs to. The total discount group determines which discounts are calculated automatically. Total discounts are given for a total order. Use them to group discount allowances by customer, item, and volume. For more information, see Trade agrmt. (form)and Price/discount groups (form). |
The price group that applies to the customer. Price groups are used to calculate the sales prices to be used when invoicing the customer. For more information, see Operations (form), Trade agrmt. (form), and Price/discount groups (form). Example You create a price group for a specific group of customers. For items in the price group, indicate the price of the item within the price group. This price may vary according to volume and date. The price agreement can be supplemented with various line discounts which may or may not vary according to volume, date, and amount.
Line discount group that the customer belongs to. This determines which line discounts are calculated automatically when you create order lines for the customer. Use line discount groups to group the discount offers by customer. You can also make the discounts dependent on customer account, item number, and quantity. For more information, see Price/discount groups (form), Trade agrmt. (form), and Price/discount groups (form). |
Supplementary item group that is attached to the selected customer, and which lists extra items that are added to a sales order when a certain quantity of an item is sold. |
Telephone number of the selected customer. You can use the form to print a list of customer phone numbers. |
Telephone extension number of the main customer contact. |
Cell phone number of the main customer contact. |
Pager number of the main customer contact. |
Fax number of the customer. |
E-mail address of the main customer contact. |
E-mail address for sending SMS to a mobile phone. |
URL of the Web site for the customer. |
Telex number of the customer. |
Line of business of the customer. |
Enter the name of your contact person or select the contact person who is associated with the customer and whose details are entered in the form. |
Enter a SIRET number for the customer. For more information, see (FRA) NAF codes and siret numbers.
Enter a French Nomenclature des Activités Françaises (NAF code) for the customer.
Terms of payment for the customer. The terms of payment for an invoice determine the invoice due date. The due date is used to calculate the balance allocation for the customer, to print lists of due invoices, to calculate interest, and to create collection letters. You create terms of payment in the form. The value that you select here is the default terms of payment on all customer orders, but you can change the terms of payment on the order or on the invoice before you post the invoice.
Method of payment typically used for payments from the customer. |
Further specification of payment handling for the chosen method of payment for the customer. |
Payment schedule to be used for invoices to the customer. |
The payment day code that applies to the customer. The payment day is used in the calculation of the due date. The due date is always rounded up to the nearest specified date. The payment day can be specified for a specific day of the week or month. |
The cash discount code that defines the early settlement discount that is granted to the selected customer if an invoice is paid in full before a given date. The cash discount code is transferred automatically to the order and invoice header by default when an order is created, but you can change it before the lines are posted. The cash discount is triggered and posted automatically when the open transaction is settled. For more information, see Customer transactions (form). |
Primary bank account of the customer. If you want to use another bank account for the customer, you can change the bank account in the payment journal. |
Select the factoring account for the selected customer.
Select the default payment ID type.
Code that is used when reporting to the central bank. You can create the codes in the form. |
Description of the purpose of the code that is selected in the field. |
Default value for the customer for this dimension. You can change the default value on orders or invoices before you post an invoice. |
Default value for the customer for this dimension. You can change the default value on orders or invoices before you post an invoice. |
Default value for the customer for this dimension. You can change the default value on orders or invoices before you post an invoice. |