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Use this report to print the physical inventory according to the selected inventory dimensions and on the date specified.


Suppose that an item is received on a purchase order with a date of September 1, 2008 with the value 100.

Note Note

In this example, the option is marked on the form.

A report on September 1 shows a quantity of 1 in the Received column and a value of 100 in the Physical value (posted) column.

The invoice that includes the item is posted on September 3 with a value of 105.

A report on September 3 will display a quantity of 1 in the Financial quantity column and a value of 105 in the Financial value column.

You can print this report from an earlier date than today. If the current date is September 3, and you set the date in the field to September 2, the report will show a Physical posted valueof 100. The Known financial difference column displays 5. The report was printed on September 3, when the item was posted.

Navigating the report

The following links and tables provide descriptions for the controls in this report.

Enter criteria on the General tab

Prepare batch processing on the Batch tab




The is the date that the on-hand inventory is assessed for.

Select if items without physical quantity or value should be printed.

Select to print the quantities of items that have been registered on a pick.

Select to print the quantities of items that are picked.

Select to print the total posted value of inventory.

Select if the total value from a general ledger account should be printed on the report and the details of the general ledger account should be printed on a separate page.

Select the inventory dimensions to be printed in the report.

The information displayed in this section is determined by your selections when you create a query.

The information displayed in this section is determined by your selections when you set up your printing options.

See Also