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Use this form to define special days, or days that fall on a regular weekday but should be handled in a special way when generating pay and absence. Regional, postal, or bank holidays that may not be recognized elsewhere as work holidays could be considered as special days.
If your employees are scheduled to be absent on special days, the supervisor would not be prompted to specify absence. Also employees working on special days could be paid accordingly to a special pay agreement. These situations can be handled in Shop Floor Control:
Specify special days.
Integrate with special pay agreements.
Automatic insertion of absence codes when calculating special days, such as when employees are given half-day off in observance of a national, local, or internal corporate time off.
A special day is activated by an entry in the .
Tasks that use this form
Navigating the form
The following tables provide descriptions for the controls in this form.
Tab |
Description |
Create, edit or delete special days. |
View information about the specific special day selected on the tab. |
Field |
Description |
Identification of the special day. |
Description of the special day. |
Indicates whether special days are paid using a special pay agreement. |
This value is used as a multiplication factor for a related pay agreement line if the pay agreement line:
Identification of absence code. |