You can use the Vendor payment proposalform to create payment proposals to generate payments to a vendor tax agent and VAT payments to a tax authority.
Click Accounts payable> Journals> Payments> Payment journalto open the Journalform.
Press CTRL+N to create a new journal.
In the Namefield, select an identification of the journal name.
Click Linesto open the Journal voucherform.
Click Payment proposal> Create payment proposalto open the Vendor payment proposalform.
In the Proposal typefield, select the type of payment proposal that you want to create. You can create the proposal by due date, cash discount date, or both due date and cash discount date.
Enter the necessary information.
For more information, see "Vendor payment proposal (class form)" in the Applications and Business Processes Help.
Click Selectto define the criteria for the payment proposal.
Click OKto open the Vendor payment proposalform. You can view the open invoice transactions that contribute to the payment proposal line in the upper pane. You can view the tax transaction details for the VAT payment to the tax authorities on the VAT proposaltab (lower pane). In the Account numberfield, the account number of the vendor tax authority is displayed.
Click Transferto transfer the proposal lines to the payment journal. In the Journal voucherform, two payment lines for each invoice are displayed, one for payment to a vendor and the second for tax payment to a tax authority. On the second journal line, the purpose text for the VAT payment is displayed in the Purpose textfield, with the account number and address of the tax agent.
The vendor account of the tax agent is displayed on the Paymenttab, in the Vendor accountfield.
In the VAT operation codefield, view or modify the operation code for VAT declaration.
Click Functions> Settlementto open the Open transaction editingform.
The Markcheck box is selected for the vendor invoice line for each vendor invoice that you want to pay.
Close the Open transaction editingform.
For more information, see "Open vendor transaction editing (form)" in the Applications and Business Processes Help.
In the Journal voucherform, click Functions> Generate paymentsto open the Generate paymentsform.
Select either the payment method or the export format, depending on the method of payment in the journal line, and select the bank account from which the payment is to be drawn. Enter the necessary information.
For more information, see "Generate vendor payments (class form)" in the Applications and Business Processes Help.
Click OK.
Click Print> Print payment orderto print the payment order report.
In the Journal voucherform, click Validateto validate the payment line, and then click Post> Postto post the journal line. Payments to tax authorities can be made by using the Periodic settlementform.
You can view the settled transactions in the Transactions on settlementform after the payments to the vendor tax agent are complete. You can view the posted sales tax transactions in the Sales tax transactionsform.
These payments can be reversed by using the Periodic reverseform.
For more information, see (RUS) Settle purchase transactions periodically.