Accounts payable> Journals> Payments> Payment journal> Lines

Navigating the form

The following tables provide descriptions for the controls in this form.





Select from the following options:

  • Generate payments– Generate payment orders or export journal lines to a file for electronic payment by the vendor-bank.

  • Void payment order– Void the payment order.

VAT in payment order

Enter the VAT information in the Purpose textfield to be printed in the payment order.

Payment proposal/ VAT proposal

Create a payment to tax authority for prepayments to the vendor (with a mark in Tax agentfield).




Contracts group

Select the contract group from the contract group directory.


Select the contract registration number.

Contract No.

The document number.

Payment purpose

Enter the payment purpose.

Offset posting profile

Select the posting profile that is being processed.

Currency op code

Enter the currency operation code according to the central bank.

No. of currency purchase

Select the currency purchase order number.

Vendor account

Select the account number of the vendor who reports on VAT through the tax agent.

VAT operation code

Select the code for VAT declaration.

Cash due announcement

The cash due announcement number.

Payment documented on

Select the vendor code the payment document is being created for.

See Also