Staff accounting> Reports> Off-funds allocations (in income types)
Staff accounting> Reports> Off-funds allocations (in accounts)
Use this report to generate payments to off-budget funds based on the selection criteria.
Navigating the form
Note |
For information about creating reports, see "Reporting" in the Applications and Business Processes Help. |
The following tables provide descriptions and references for the controls in this report.
Tab |
Description |
General |
For information about the Generaltab, see "Enter information on the General tab" in the Applications and Business Processes Help. |
Batch |
For information about the Batchtab, see "Prepare batch processing on the Batch tab" in the Applications and Business Processes Help. |
Field |
Description |
Calculation period |
Select or enter the month and year of the calculation period to print the payment to off-budget funds. |
Totals in departments |
Select this check box to print the totals by department. |
Pay type transaction list |
The information displayed in this section is determined by your selections when you create a query. |
Pay types |
The information displayed in this section is determined by your selections when you create a query. |
Current options |
The information displayed in this section is determined by your selections when you set up the printing options. |