The service-agreement interval indicates the frequency with which service-order lines are created for service-agreement lines when you create service orders automatically.

When you create service orders automatically, service-order lines are created according to the interval you have specified for the service-agreement line from the start date of the agreement line.

Note Note

If the field of a service-agreement line in the form is blank, the line is a one-time event, and it is not used to create service orders repeatedly.


First, you create a service agreement with the option set to .

Create service agreement

  1. Click > .

  2. Press Ctrl+N to create a new service agreement.

  3. Click the tab, and select a project in the field, and select February 1, 2007 in the field.

  4. Click the tab and select on the list.

You have now created the following service agreement:


Start date

Your project

February 1, 2007

Next, you create a service-agreement line with the transaction type .

Create service agreement line

  1. Select the service agreement that you just created, and create a new line in the lower pane of the form.

  2. Select in the field.

  3. Make sure that you have set up a service interval of 10 days. For information on setting up the service interval, see Set up service intervals.

  4. In the field, select the 10 days interval.

You have now created the following service-agreement line:

Transaction type

Start date

Service interval

February 1, 2007

Every 10 days

There is no time window set up for the line. For more information on time windows, see About time windows.

Last, you create service orders and service-order lines for the month of February 2007.

Create service orders

  1. Click > > .

  2. Specify February 1, 2007 in the field, and February 28, 2007 in the field.

  3. Select the check box.

  4. Click OK.

Because there is no grouping on the service order (defined by the option in the ), one service order line is created per service order.

Service orders created

The following service orders and lines are created in the form:

Service orders and service order lines

Service date


February 1, 2007


February 11, 2007


February 21, 2007

The three service-order lines created in this instance fall within the time frame you specified in the dialog box.

See Also