You generate service orders based on the service agreements. Service orders can be generated for the valid period of the service agreement.
The service orders that you generate from a service agreement are all attached to this service agreement.
Service orders are generated automatically from the following settings:
The service agreement interval set up on the service agreement lines. The service agreement interval indicates the frequency with which service-order lines are created. For more information, see About service intervals.
The period you specify to define the service period in the and fields in the form. For more information, see Create service orders.
The option on the service agreement header, which defines whether service order lines generated on a service agreement, combines service orders according to employee, service task, service object, or service agreement. For more information, see Combine service orders.
The option on the service agreement line. The time window defines how far a service order line can move in relation to its calculated date. For more information, see About time windows.
If the service agreement lasts from 01-01-2008 until 12-31-2008 and the service period that you specify in is from 11-01-2008 until 02-01-2009, service orders are created from 11-01-2008 and until 12-31-2008.
The service agreement lasts from 01-01-2008 until 12-31-2008. There are two service agreement lines attached to the service agreement. One service agreement line has a start date on 01-01-2008 and an end date on 03-01-2008. The second service agreement line has a start date from 04-01-2008 and an end date on 12-31-2008. You specify a period in from 10-01-2008 until 12-31-2008. Therefore, service orders are only generated for the second of the agreement lines because the start date and end date of the first agreement line are before the period you specified for the service order.