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Use this form to view, edit, or create working profiles for employees.
The profile of the employee on a given day is used to calculate the employee's working time, pay time, break time, and flexible hours. For more information about profiles, see About profiles.
Tasks that use this form
Navigating the form
The following tables provide descriptions for the controls in this form.
Tab |
Description |
Create, edit, or delete profiles. |
Enter information about the profile. |
Button |
Description |
Copy profile setup to a new profile or copy a profile day to other weekdays. |
Field |
Description |
The identification of the profile. |
Enter a description of the profile. |
If the profile should trigger the use of a specific pay agreement, select a pay agreement. |
If profiles cross over midnight, enter the time when the next weekday's profile should be applied. For night shift profiles where the profile date is the date of the clock-out time, enter a time two or three hours before the expected clock-in time. Allow time for employees coming in early or working overtime before ordinary clock-in time. This is the typical use. For night shift profiles where the profile date is the date of the clock-in time, enter a time two or three hours after midnight and select the field if employees may be late and clock in after midnight. Example If an employee working a night shift clocks in at 22:00 on Sunday, the field on the Sunday profile should be set to a time before 22:00 if you want the Monday profile to be applied. Also, select in the field. For more examples of profiles, see Profile examples. |
Only relevant for profiles that cross over midnight when the profile date is the date of the clock-in. Select this field to help be sure that the correct profile date is used for employees who are late and clock in after midnight. Use the field to set the time when yesterday's date is not applied any longer. Example An employee is supposed to clock in at 23:00 Monday evening for the Monday night shift. The employee is late and clocks in at 00:15. If the field is not selected, the day shift for Tuesday may be applied instead of the Monday night shift. |
Specify whether the first profile line in the profile specification is on this or the previous weekday. This feature applies only to working days where the clock-in time is before or close to midnight on the previous weekday. For example, this applies for a night shift where the employee clocks in late Sunday evening for the Monday shift. For more information, see Profile examples. |
The minimum time an employee must work on this day before receiving overtime or adding flexible hours to the flex balance. |
The maximum number of flexible hours that can be added for the day before converting the hours into overtime. |
Select a color to represent this profile when using the work planner. For more information about the work planner, see About work planner. |
The total standard time of the week. |
The total standard time of the day. |
Select the profile type for the current time zone. For more information, see About profile types. |
Enter the start time for the selected profile type. |
Enter the end time for the selected profile type. and do not need an end time. |
Enter the minute increments to be used for rounding off the work time. For example, if this value is set to 15 for , an employee who clocks in 10 minutes early will not be credited for this time. Tolerances apply only to clock-in and clock-out times. |
Enter the minute increments to be used for rounding off the work time. For example, if this value is set to 10 for , an employee who clocks out 5 minutes later than the expected closing time will not be credited for this time. Tolerances apply only to clock-in and clock-out times. |
The switch code that, if registered, will apply the secondary profile type in this time zone. |
Enter a secondary profile type. This is the profile type that is used for calculation if a break is canceled or a specific switch code is registered. For more information, see About indirect activities. |
The weekday on which this time interval starts. |
The weekday on which this time interval ends. |