You can create individual transfer transactions to transfer assets to another company. If the companies have separate databases, transfer transactions are created in the company that you are transferring an asset from, and receipt transactions are created in the company that that you are transferring the asset to.
Adjust the
value model settings to transfer an asset
Before you create fixed assets transfers between companies, you must adjust the settings of the value models.
Click Fixed assets> Setup> Value models.
On the Overviewtab, press CTRL+N and create a value model.
On the Maptab, in the Company accounts IDfield, select the company code that the asset will be transferred to.
In the Value modelfield, select the value model number that corresponds to the current account for the company.
Transfer an
asset to another company
Click Fixed assets> Common Forms> Fixed assets.
On the Overviewtab, select the asset to be transferred.
Click History> Issue.
In the Datefield, enter the date of the transfer.
In the Company accounts IDfield enter the code for the company receiving the asset, if necessary.
In the Fixed assetfield, modify the code for the asset, if necessary.
After you select the company that is receiving the asset, you can select the inventory number that corresponds to the asset after the transfer. The statuses of the assets are Scheduledand Written off. Assets with a Written offstatus can be returned after transfer only if you have selected a company in the Companyfield.
The Postedfield in the Issue to another companyform is updated after a transfer transaction in the fixed assets journal is posted. The ledger accounts of the receiving company are updated to acknowledge the transaction.
On the Generaltab, information is displayed about the transfer journal used to transfer the asset, if the journal was created and closed. If the journal was not created, you can enter the document number and date manually.
Information on the Value modelstab is displayed when posting a transfer transaction in the fixed assets journal. This information cannot be modified. The number of lines displayed on the Value modelstab must be equal to the number of models that the transaction was posted for.
The value model, balance cost, and book depreciation for the asset that was transferred are displayed, along with the period that the asset was used prior to the transfer.
Click Fixed assets> Common Forms> FA journal.
Click Lines. Enter the transfer transaction in the lines of the journal. This is similar to creating an acquisition transaction.
The date of the transaction in the fixed assets journal cannot be earlier than the date that the transfer was registered in the asset history.
Click Post> Post. If the transaction included all value models, the status of the asset is Written off. Value model information for the receiving company is updated in the Transferform.
In the Receipt from another companyform, the fields on the Overviewand Value modelstabs are updated for the asset record. When you transfer an asset to another company, the material asset types in the records for the asset being transferred and accepted is not verified automatically. You must verify that information in the Typefield on the Generaltab of the Fixed assetsform.
groups of fixed assets
Click Fixed assets> Transfer journals> Issue to another company.
On the Overviewtab, press CTRL+N to create a new line, and then in the Datefield, enter the date for the asset transfer.
In the Company accounts IDfield, enter the account ID for the receiving company, if the company shares the same database.
The journal number is based on the configured number sequence. However, you can enter it manually.
Click Lines.
In the Lines of FA transfer journalform, press CTRL+N to create a new line.
In the Sourcefield, select the number for the asset that is being transferred.
Available assets have an Exploitationstatus. The name of the asset being transferred is displayed in the Account namefield. If the receiving company is specified for the journal, its name is displayed in the Destination companyfield.
In the Destinationfield, select the asset number of the receiving company that corresponds to the asset that is being transferred.
Available assets have a Scheduledor Written offstatus. The account that the asset is transferred to is displayed in the Account namefield based on your entry in the Destinationfield.
Create the required number of lines and close the form.
Click Closein the Issue to another companyform. The Postedcheck box on the Overviewtab will be selected, and information about the transfer will be displayed in the history of the FA/IAs specified in the journal lines.
Post the transfer transaction in the FA journal.