You can create and manage civil contracts in the Civil contractsform, and also calculate contractor's salary according to the acts of acceptance. The contract and act of acceptance can be printed. In the Employeesform, you can set up the contractors in order to calculate rewards and tax.

After you create civil contracts and acts, you cannot:

  • Delete the contract.

  • Change the contract by adding acts pertaining to salary.

  • Modify or delete acts added to salary.

Set up contract groups

  1. Click Staff accounting> Calculation procedures> Contracts> Setup> Contract groupsto open the Contract groupsform.

  2. On the Overviewtab, press CTRL+N to create a new record.

  3. In the Contracts groupfield, enter a code for the contract group.

  4. In the Namefield, enter a contract group name.

  5. Click the Generaltab. By default, the Partner typefield displays Personnel.

  6. In the Sequencefield, select a calculation sequence to be used to run the contracts calculation procedure.

  7. Click the Number sequencestab, and in the Number sequence codefield, select a number sequence code for the contract group to number the contracts related to the group automatically.

  8. Press CTRL+S or close the form.

Set up officials for civil contracts

  1. Click Basic> Setup> Contacts> Officialsto open the Officialsform.

  2. Click the Payrolltab, and then select Civil contract.

  3. In the lower section of the form, press CTRL+N to create a new record.

  4. In the Positionfield, select the position of the official as Representative.

  5. In the Namefield, select the name of the official.

  6. In the Job titlefield, view or modify the job title of the official.

  7. In the in person…field, enter the position and name of the civil contract representative.

  8. In the based on…field, enter the official's reason for signing the contract.

  9. Press CTRL+S or close the form.

Set up and calculate civil contracts and acts

You can set up the civil contracts in the Civil contractsform. To calculate the rewards on contracts and contract acts, you must create a calculation procedure with a calculation sequence and a counter with the line type Act amount.

Note Note

For more information, see (RUS) Set up calculation procedures.

  1. Click Staff accounting> Common Forms> Employee tableto open the Employeesform.

  2. On the Overviewtab, select the employee for whom you want to set up the contracts.

  3. Click the Employmenttab, and in the Sort of workfield, select According to contract.

  4. Press CTRL+S or close the form.

  5. Click Staff accounting> Calculation procedures> Contracts> Civil contractsto open the Civil contractsform.

  6. On the Contract listtab, press CTRL+N to create a new record.

  7. In the Contracts groupfield, select a contract group code.

    Note Note

    The Contract Idfield displays the contract identification number, based on the number sequence setup.

  8. In the Contract numberfield, enter the contract number.

  9. In the Contract datefield, select the date of contract.

  10. In the Employeefield, select the employee code.

    Note Note

    The Employee namefield displays the name of the employee.

  11. Click the Generaltab, and in the Start dateand End datefields, select the starting and ending date of work according to the contract.

  12. In the Representativefield, select the name of the representative that you set up in the Officialsform.

    Note Note

    The in person…and based on…fields display the information that you specified for the civil contract representative in the Officialsform.

  13. In the Amountfield, enter the contract amount.

  14. In the Account typefield, select the account type.

  15. In the Accountfield, select the account number.

  16. Click the Dimensiontab, and in the Department, Cost center, and Purposefields, select the financial dimension codes.

  17. Click the Work compoundtab, and in the Work compoundfield, enter the work compound according to contract.

  18. Click Payroll linesto view the calculated payroll lines for the contract.

  19. Click Print contractto print the contract.

  20. In the lower section of the form, press CTRL+N to create an act of acceptance for the contract.

  21. In the Act datefield, select the starting date of the civil act.

  22. In the Act numberfield, enter a civil act number.

  23. In the Amountfield, enter the amount.

  24. Select the Add to salarycheck box to include the act in the current calculation period.

    Note Note

    If you select this check box, the Calculation periodfield displays the month and year of the calculation period, and you cannot delete or modify the fields on the General, Dimension, and Work compoundtabs.

  25. Click the Generaltab to view or modify the details of the civil act.

  26. Click the Dimensiontab to view or modify the dimension codes that you set up for the contract.

  27. Click the Work compoundtab, and in the Compound of completed workfield, enter the compound of completed work that is closed by this act.

  28. Click Calculationto open the Inquiryform, and then enter the selection criteria for the salary calculation of civil acts included in the current calculation period.

  29. Click Payroll linesto open the Civil contract actsform to view the calculated payroll lines for the contract acts.

  30. Click Print actto print the act of acceptance.

  31. Press CTRL+S or close the form.

Set up the report template and generate the P-4 report

You must set up a payroll group for contractors in the Payroll groupsform. Before you generate the report, you must calculate the average number of workers for a payroll group for contractors in the Average workers on payrollform.

  1. Click Staff accounting> Setup> Template reportsto open the Report templates optionsform.

  2. In the Reportfield, select P-4 Report.

  3. In the Contract workersfield, specify the payroll group that you set up for contractors in the Payroll groupsform.

  4. Click Printto open the P-4 Reportform. Information about number and rewards of contractors will be printed into appropriate cells of the report.

  5. In the Reporting periodfield, select the reporting period.

  6. In the Employeefield, select the name of the responsible employee.

  7. Click OKto print the report.

    Note Note

    You can also print the report from Staff accounting> Reports> P-4 Report.

See Also