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Use this form to associate an item with a specific warehouse and set up item counting groups, item dimensions, and item locations in the warehouse for that particular item.

Navigating the form

The following tables provide descriptions for the controls in this form.




Overview tab

View a list of items stored at a specific warehouse and the counting group associated with the items. You can also create, delete or modify the items associated with the warehouse.

General tab

View a specific item number for a warehouse and details about , , and .

setup for one item according to a specific warehouse, or set up the location for one item.




Unique user-defined code that is assigned when items are created. It is recommended not to use special characters or spaces in the item number.

Item numbers can be system generated by linking the item number to a Number sequences (form)

Select an item configuration to specify an item with specific attributes. For more information, see

Configuration (form).

Specifies the size of the item.

Specifies the color of the item.

Enter the warehouse in which you will store your items.

Select a counting group. Group settings are specified in the Counting groups (form)dialog. See also Create item counting journal (class form)and Create on-hand counting journal (class form).

Enter the batch number dimension. If you select and in the upper section of the / form, you can edit the batch number for the transfer order line.

Location inside a warehouse. If you select and in the upper section of the / form, you can edit the location number for the transfer order line.

Unique identification for the pallet (Serial Shipping Container Code).

Serial number dimension. If you select and in the upper section of the / form, you can edit the serial number for the transfer order line.

Selection indicates that an item count has been started. The actual count is activated from an inventory count journal.

Journal used for inventory counting.

Zone (area) in the inventory.

The location's identification, which is used as a reference to the location, together with the warehouse.

Normally, the name is generated automatically according to the location's coordinator (aisle, rack, shelf, and bin) based on the setup under ( tab).

If you want to enter the identification manually, you must first select .

Assign the minimum quantity that must be available at the picking location.

See also Create refill for all locations (class form)and Shipment reservation combinations (form)

Specify whether you want empty pallets to be moved to the location specified in the warehouse setup or left at the picking location of the last item.

The default location that is proposed for inventory receipts on purchases, productions, and so on, when no other value is specified.

The default location proposed for inventory issues on sales, production lines, and so on, when no other value is specified.

This setting is either inherited from the model group ( ) or set here.

For more information, see Picking methods

Location where items should be picked from.

When the quantity of items falls below this value, a refill should be created.

This can be set up to be done automatically from the form.

The maximum storage capacity on the picking location.

If the field is left blank, there is no maximum.

See Also