The calendar determines the employee work schedule. In the Employeesform, you can assign a calendar to each employee, according to the schedule that the employee works. The schedule defines the standard work hours that are used to calculate pay rates, raises, and other accruals.
If you need to create several calendars, start by building a basic schedule to use as a template.
Click Staff accounting> Working time registration> Calendar> Calendarto open the Calendars setupform.
Press CTRL+N to add a new calendar.
In the Calendar typefield, select the type of calendar to create. The options are 5 days, 6 days, Others, or 7 days.
You cannot create more than one of any of these calendar types.
In the Calendarand Namefields, enter a calendar code and name.
In the Templatefield, select the work time template for the current calendar.
This field is mandatory if you are creating a 5 days, 6 days, or 7 dayscalendar.
In the Conversion factorfield, select a rate that defines the conversion factor value for recalculating work days into calendar days.
Select the Holiday accountingcheck box to create a calendar with holidays.
When this check box is selected, a work day is tagged as a day off if it falls on a national holiday when the calendar is generated.
In the Number of work hoursfield, enter the number of work hours in a day.
This number is used to generate the T-13report.
Click the Holidaystab to designate holidays.
Press CTRL+N to create a new line.
In the Datefield, enter a holiday date.
The Dayfield automatically displays the name of the weekday, according to the holiday date entered.
In the Type of dayfield, select either Workdayor Holiday.
Click Calendarto create and update calendars for the current transaction.
In the Calendarform, click Creating calendarto open the Creating calendarform.
In the From datefield, enter the calendar starting date.
If the selected template is periodic, the To datefield automatically displays the last date of the period that is specified for the template, calculated from the starting date. If you have selected a standard template, the To datefield automatically displays the current system date increased by one year. If necessary, change the ending date of the calendar generation period.
Click OK. A calendar is created according to the template for the entered period.
Click the Calendartab to view the information in the created calendar.
The columns represent the weekdays and the lines represent the number of weeks. The designated work days are displayed as white squares, and non-work days are shown in blue. Non-work days that fall on weekends and holidays are shown as red squares. The calendar is displayed for the current open calculation period. To view the schedule for other reporting periods, click the <and >buttons or select the month from the dropdown menu.
Click the Timesand Groupstabs to view the number of work days and hours for the calendar, sorted by month, time code, and time group.
Press CTRL+S or close the form.
Click Copyin the Calendars setupform to open the Copy calendarform, and then copy the schedule from one calendar to another.
In the From calendarand To calendarfields, enter the calendars that the schedule will be copied from and to. You can manually edit the calendar.
Click OKto close the Copy calendarform.
Click Staff accounting> Common Forms> Employee tableto open the Employeesform.
Select the employee, and then enter a work schedule for each employee.
Click the Payrolltab.
In the Calendarfield, select the created work schedule calendar.
Press CTRL+S or close the form.