Staff accounting> Working time registration> Time sheet journal

You can use either daily or summarized record-keeping methods to generate time sheets. Daily record-keeping requires entering the hours worked every day, and summarized record-keeping requires entering the total number of hours worked over the calculation period. Time sheets are generated automatically based on the employee's calendar. The hours worked are listed for each time code of the payment type on a daily basis. You can use this form to view or modify the time sheet journals.

Task that uses this form

Navigating the form

The following tables provide descriptions for the controls in this form.





View or enter details such as accounting period, time sheet number, and department code of a time sheet journal for an employee, for a specific reporting period.


View or modify information for a selected time sheet journal line selected in the Overviewtab.




Time sheet lines

Open a menu with the following items:

  • Daily– Open the Time sheet (daily)form to view or modify time sheet lines using the daily record-keeping method.

  • Summarized record keeping– Open the Time sheet totalsform to view or modify the total time record for a month.

Timesheets generation

Create a time sheet automatically for all departments in the company.


Calculate accrual for every time sheet according to the calculation sequence settings that are specified for the time codes for the time sheet.


Print the Form T-13report.

If the Assessment principleis Daily, the time sheet is completed for each day off that falls within a vacation, sick list period, or business trip that is not a holiday. A holiday is defined as a day of type Holidayin the calendar when the calendar type is 7 days.

  • The report cells in column 4 are filled with the appropriate time code for vacation, sick list, or business trip, and with the work hours that are defined in the calendar specified in a time sheet line.

  • In columns 10 through 13, the days and hours of the days off are included in the total sum of absence days and hours.

If the Assessment principleis Summarized, then in columns 10 through 13, the total absence days and hours of vacation, sick list periods, or business trips are calculated as work days from the calendar within the vacation, sick list period, or business trip within the time sheet period.

Payroll lines

Open the Time sheetform to view the calculation results of the time sheet calculation.




Reporting period

Select or view the reporting period for which the time sheet journals are generated.

Time sheet number

The unique time sheet number.

Department code

Select or view a department code.

Note Note

The time sheet will be generated for the employees of this department.


The name of the department.

Payment type

Select a payment type for employees. The time sheet will be created according to this payment type.

Time group

Select or view the identification of the time group.

Assessment principle

Select or view the type of time sheet from the following options:

  • Daily– The number of hours are recorded using the daily record-keeping method.

  • Summarized– The number of hours are recorded as a total for a month.


Select this check box to specify whether the payments that are calculated for every time sheet line must be displayed using the Aggregated record-keeping method.

On-line calculation

Select this check box to specify whether the amounts must be calculated automatically according to the settings of the calculation sequences that are entered for the time sheet time codes, when you create or change time sheet lines.

Rate 1

Select a rate.

Note Note

The values of the lines on the time sheet will be changed according to this rate.

Rate 2

Select a rate.

Note Note

The values of the lines on the time sheet will be changed according to this rate.

Rate 3

Select a rate.

Note Note

The values of the lines on the time sheet will be changed according to this rate.

Person in charge

Select the name of the employee who is responsible for creating the time sheet.


Select the director of the department that the time sheet is generated for.

Human resource manager

Select the name of the employee from the human resources department who is responsible for creating the time sheet.

Absences from work

Select a time group to include the absence time to be used when printing Form T-13.

See Also