You can generate time sheets using either daily or aggregated record-keeping. Daily record-keeping means entering the hours worked every day, and aggregated record-keeping means entering the total hours worked over the calculation period. Time sheets are generated automatically using the employee's calendar. The hours worked are listed for each time code of the payment type on a daily basis. You can use this form to view or modify the time sheet journals.

Note Note

For more information, see (RUS) Generate time sheets using tracking methods.

  1. Click Staff accounting> Working time registration> Time sheet journal.

  2. In the Reporting fieldperiod, select or modify the reporting period.

    Note Note

    By default, the current accounting period is displayed.

  3. Press CTRL+N to add a new time sheet.

    Note Note

    The Time sheet numberfield is automatically populated with a unique time sheet number, based on the number series that was established for time sheets in the Payroll parametersform.

  4. In the Department codefield, select the department to create employee time sheets for.

    Note Note

    When you select this field, the Descriptionfield is automatically populated with the corresponding description.

  5. In the Time groupfield, select the time group.

    Note Note

    The time sheet will be generated for only the employees with the specified payment type.

  6. In the Assessment principlefield, select Dailyor Summarized.

    Note Note

    By default, the Assessment principlefield is populated with the value of the same field as in the Time sheet general settingsform. If Dailyis selected in the field, the work hours are entered separately for each day. If Aggregatedis selected, the time sheet displays the number of hours recorded as a total for the period.

  7. If you are using the Summarizedrecord-keeping method, select the Showcheck box to view the payment and deduction lines that were calculated for each time sheet line.

  8. Click the Generaltab.

  9. In the Time sheet ratefield group, select or modify the Rate 1, Rate 2, and Rate 3fields.

    Note Note

    By default, these fields display the same values as in the Time sheet general settingsform.

  10. Select the On-line calculationcheck box to specify whether the amounts must be calculated automatically, according to the calculation sequences that are set up for the time codes in the time sheet, when you create or change time sheet lines.

    Note Note

    By default, this field is selected or cleared as shown in the Time sheet general settingsform.

  11. In the Form T-13field group, select or modify the Person in chargeand Directorfields.

    Note Note

    The values for these fields are displayed according to the setup for the selected department in the Organizationform.

  12. In the Form T-13field group, select or modify the Human resource managerand Absences from workfields.

    Note Note

    The values for these fields are displayed as specified in the Time sheet general settingsform.

  13. Click Timesheets generationto open the Timesheets generationform.

  14. Select or modify the rates in Rate 1, Rate 2, and Rate 3fields.

  15. Select Assessment principle.

  16. Select the On-line calculationcheck box, if needed.

  17. Select the Showcheck box to specify whether the payment lines that are calculated for each time sheet line should be displayed using the summarized record-keeping method.

  18. Click Selectto open the Timesheets generationform to set up the criteria to create time sheets for departments.

    Note Note

    You can create time sheets automatically for all company departments, sorted by payment type.

  19. Click OK.

  20. Press CTRL+S or close the Timesheets generationform.

  21. Press CTRL+S or close the Time sheet journalform.

See Also