You can create posting profiles in the Payroll posting profilesform. In the Payroll parametersform, you can specify two payroll posting profiles – one profile to set up cost accounts and financial dimensions, and another profile to set up an offset salary account. However, you cannot create posting profile lines with the same department and title, base for calculation, and payroll groups.
The cost account and the financial dimensions have a complex dependency on the following employee attributes:
Sort of work – main, in combination, according to contract.
Kind of work – permanent and temporary.
Department and title.
Pay type.
Set up
posting profiles
Click Staff accounting> Setup> Payroll posting profilesto open the Payroll posting profilesform.
On the Overviewtab, press CTRL+N to create a new posting profile.
In the Posting profilefield, enter a name for the payroll posting profile.
In the Descriptionfield, enter a description for the posting profile.
Click the Settingstab.
In the Cost type relationfield, specify whether the posting profile applies to a pay type, a calculation basis, or all pay types.
If you select All, you cannot select a value in the Cost type/Base for calculationfield.
In the Cost type/Base for calculationfield, select the pay type for the employee or the counter code, depending on the selection you made in the Cost type relationfield.
In the Employee relationfield, specify whether the posting profile applies to a single employee, a payroll group, or all employees.
If you select All, you cannot select a value in the Employee/Payroll groupfield.
In the Employee/Payroll groupfield, select the employee code or payroll group, depending on the selection you made in the Employee relationfield.
In the Department codefield, select the department code.
In the Job titlefield, select the job title of the employee.
In the Account typefield, select the account type for the transaction.
In the Accountfield, select the account number for the transaction.
Click the Dimensiontab.
In the Departmentfield, select the financial dimension code for department.
In the Cost centerfield, select the financial dimension code for cost center.
In the Purposefield, select the financial dimension code for purpose.
Press CTRL+S or close the form.
Click Staff accounting> Setup> Parametersto open the Payroll parametersform.
Click the Transactiontab.
In the Account posting profilefield, select the posting profile that is used to select appropriate cost account and dimensions for a payroll line in the Salary journal according to the settings.
In the Offset account posting profilefield, select the posting profile for the offset account that is used to select appropriate cost account and dimensions for a payroll line in the Salary journal according to the settings.
Press CTRL+S or close the form.
Set up
posting of periodical payments, standard deductions, and acts of
acceptance for civil contracts
When you create payroll lines manually from a payroll journal or as a result of calculations, the initialization of the cost account, the offset account, and the financial dimensions of a payroll line are performed based on the attributes set in the posting profiles. In all cases, a department code and a title are taken from a payroll line and from employment history at the end date of the current calculation period, except in the calculation procedure of a time sheet, where a title is taken from a time sheet line.
Click Staff accounting> Queries> Periodical paymentsto open the Periodical paymentsform.
On the Overviewtab, press CTRL+N to create a new record, and then enter the required details.
Click the Posting profiletab to set up the posting for periodical payments.
In the Account typefield under the Accountand Corr. Accountfield groups, select the account type for the transaction.
In the Accountfield under the Accountand Corr. Accountfield groups, select the account number for the transaction.
In the Departmentfield, select the financial dimension code for the department.
In the Cost centerfield, select the financial dimension code for the cost center.
In the Purposefield, select the financial dimension code for the purpose.
Press CTRL+S or close the form.
Click Staff accounting> Calculation procedures> Standard deductions> Standard employees' deductionsto open the Standard employees' deductionsform to view or modify the standard deduction parameters.
On the Overviewtab in the left pane of the form, select an employee.
On the Postingtab in the right pane of the form, view or modify the posting for standard deductions.
In the Account typefield, select the type of account for the standard deduction transaction.
In the Accountfield, select an account number to post the standard deduction transaction.
Select dimensions for the standard deduction transaction in the Department, Cost center, and Purposefields.
Press CTRL+S or close the form.
Click Staff accounting> Calculation procedures> Contracts> Civil contractsto open the Civil contractsform.
On the Contract listtab, select a contract group.
Click the Generaltab, and in the Account typefield, select the account type.
In the Accountfield, select the account number.
Click the Dimensiontab, and in the Department, Cost center, and Purposefields, select the financial dimension codes.
In the lower section of the form, press CTRL+N to create an act of acceptance for the contract.
On the Act listtab, in the Act datefield, select the starting date of the civil act.
In the Act numberfield, enter a civil contract act number.
Click the Generaltab to view the account details of the civil act.
Click the Dimensiontab to view the dimension codes that you set up for the contract.
You can modify these fields only if you clear the Add to salarycheck box.
Press CTRL+S or close the form.