Use this form to enter and post payments that you receive from customers.
Some buttons in the form are not available when a journal has been submitted for workflow journal approval. When the journal is approved, the options in the menu are available and the other controls and fields in the form are not. You can view, edit, or process payments for a journal that has been approved. If you edit an approved journal, the workflow status is reset, the options in the menu are not available, and the other controls and fields are available. When the changes have been made, the journal must be resubmitted for approval.
Tasks that
use this form
the form
The following links and tables provide descriptions for the controls in this form.
Tab |
Description |
Create and view the journal lines for payments from customers in the journal that you selected. |
Enter and view more information about the payment line that is selected on the tab. |
Enter or view dimension values for the payment line that is selected on the tab. |
Enter or view information about the payment that is related to the selected payment line. |
Enter or view information about the payment fee that is related to the selected journal line. |
Enter or view information about the bank to which the payment is made. |
View the history of the payment transaction line. |
Button |
Description |
Open the form, where you can settle the payment that is selected on the tab. |
Click or . The function that you select is carried out on the lines that are selected on the tab. To post vouchers without errors and transfer vouchers with errors to a new journal, click . Otherwise, click . If an error exists, no vouchers are posted, and you receive an error message. |
Click or . The function that you select is carried out on the lines that are selected on the tab. The validation verifies that the journal lines that are selected are ready for posting. |
Change the approval status of the selected journal line. |
View (and edit before posting, if necessary) the expected sales tax transaction that is related to the journal line that is selected on the tab. |
Retrieve the lines of a period journal. |
Open a menu with the following items:
Edit the payment status of the selected payment line:
Create or edit payment proposals:
Make various inquiries that depend on the posting status of the selected journal line. For example, before you post the line, click to view the balances of each bank account. After posting, click to view the resulting transactions. |
Print reports that are relevant to the journal lines, and print pro forma invoices for prepayments. |
Field |
Description |
( )
The balance for the journal. |
( )
The balance for the selected journal line. |
( )
The total debit amount for the journal. |
( )
The debit amount for the selected journal line. |
( )
The total credit amount for the journal. |
( )
The credit amount for the selected journal line. |
View or enter the posting date. The system date (today's date) is suggested, but you can select another date as appropriate. When the date on a line has been changed, this date is suggested when a new line is created. |
Select the company that is associated with the customer for this transaction. If you are using centralized payments, the company that you select here is considered the payment company. For more information, see About centralized customer payments. |
Enter or view the account number for the account type that is selected in the field. You can find the account by entering the search name for the account in this field. The search name for customers is defined in the form. |
Enter or select the invoice number that is related to the payment. For example, if you received a payment receipt from your bank, enter the invoice number. Information about the customer is displayed.
If an asterisk (*) is displayed, multiple invoices or transactions other than invoices are assigned to the payment. |
Enter descriptive text about the transaction. When you specify an offset account, the same transaction text is used on the offset transaction, unless offset transaction text is specified. Alternatively, enter the code for the standard journal text that is created in the form. |
Enter a debit amount in the currency that is selected for the journal line. |
Enter a credit amount in the currency that is selected for the journal line. Customer payment amounts are typically (but not always) entered in this field. |
Select this check box to indicate that the amount is to be deposited by a deposit slip. For more information, see Create a deposit slip. |
Select the account type for the offset transaction to the customer payment. This is typically the account type for customer payment journal lines. |
Enter or view the account number for the offset account type that is selected in the drop-down list. |
Enter the payment status of the payment line.
The voucher number for the transaction. Voucher series are set up in the form. If the check box is selected and no user changes are allowed (the and fields are cleared), this field is skipped if you tabulate through the fields on the form. The voucher series is attached to the journal name in the field in the form. |
The currency of the payment line. If the payment is in a foreign currency, you must specify the currency in this field. This field receives a default currency according to the following priorities:
The currency exchange rate that applies to the transaction. The currency rate that is expressed here is the rate that is set up in the form, but it is possible to change this rate, if necessary. The exchange rate is expressed as the number of units of the foreign (non-company) currency that is indicated in the field on the tab in the form ( > > ). |
The payment method used on the selected payment line. |
Select or edit the payment specification, if any, of the method of payment that applies to the selected payment line. |
The reference for a specific payment.
The settlement type of the payment transaction. You can use open transaction editing to settle previously posted invoices. For more information, see Open customer transaction editing (form). When you record a customer payment and specify in the form, the transaction is posted to the selected customer account. At the same time, a transaction is made automatically in the customer summary account in the general ledger. For more information, see Customer posting profile (form). |
Enter the number or name of the document that is the basis for the payment transaction (optional). |
Enter or view the date of the document, such as a sales invoice, that is the basis for the payment transaction. The document date is used to determine the payment due date and the cash discount date. |
Select this check box to mark the transaction as a transfer. You can use the transaction type name that is added to the payment transaction to identify the transaction later. |
The identifier for the company. This abbreviation also serves as an extension on transactions that are posted between companies in intercompany accounting. |
View or select the account type of the journal line. In the customer payment journal lines, the default value for this field is . |
Enter or view the sales tax group for the transaction. The default value is taken from the sales tax group that is attached to the customer that is entered on the payment line. For more information, see Sales tax groupsand Sales tax groups (form). |
The item sales tax group that is specified for each journal line. For more information, see Item sales tax groupsand Item sales tax groups (form). |
If this check box is selected, the sales tax direction for the selected journal line is controlled by the setup of the field in the form for the ledger account that is selected in the field on the journal line. Example If customer payments are recorded on a voucher together with a fee from the bank, the sales tax direction on the sales tax posting of the fee is determined to be outgoing ( ), because a customer account is part of the voucher posting. If the field is selected on the line with the fee, however, the sales tax direction is instead taken from the chart of accounts. The sales tax direction changes to if the sales tax direction on the ledger account is set to .
Enter the identifier for the company where the current transaction is to be offset. |
If text other than the text entered in the transaction text field should be used, enter it here. |
This check box is selected if the currency code is included in triangulation. The default setting comes from the selected currency, but this setting can be changed if appropriate. |
To put the transaction on hold until a specified date, enter that date. You still can modify the transaction, and it can be posted on or after this date. If this field is blank, the transaction can be posted at any time.
( )
Select the dimension value that is attached to the transaction. If there is a default value, it is derived as follows:
( )
Select the dimension value that is attached to the transaction. If there is a default value, it is derived as follows:
( )
Select the dimension value that is attached to the transaction. If there is a default value, it is derived as follows:
( )
Select the dimension value that applies to the transaction in the company that is selected in the lookup field. You enter an offset company if your company uses intercompany accounting and the journal line is an intercompany transaction. |
( )
Select the dimension value that applies to the transaction in the company that is selected in the lookup field. You enter an offset company if your company uses intercompany accounting and the journal line is an intercompany transaction. |
( )
Select the dimension value that applies to the transaction in the company that is selected in the lookup field. You enter an offset company if your company uses intercompany accounting and the journal line is an intercompany transaction. |
Select this check box to specify that the payment is a prepayment. For more information, see Post prepayments to prepayment accounts. |
Enter the payment identification of the payment line. If the payment proposal was used to create the line, the payment identification from the invoice or credit note is suggested, but the identification can be changed. |
Enter text that is used to describe the payment in a generated file for electronic payments. |
The due date for the invoice that is calculated on the basis of the selection in the field. This date can be changed if, appropriate.
The posting profile for the transaction that is defaulted from the setup for the selected account type. A posting profile must be specified in connection with every update of, for example, a vendor, customer, or fixed assets transaction. |
The identification of the fee. |
The amount of the fee (absolute value). |
The currency code for the fee. |
The sales tax group for the fee. |
The item sales tax group for the fee. |
The type of account (such as vendor, customer, or ledger) that the fee transaction is applied to. |
Enter the account number for the fee transaction. The selection is limited by the account type. |
Enter the bank transaction type that is used for the payment. |
The deposit slip number for the posted payment line, if is selected. |
Select or view the bank account that is receiving the payment. The field is editable if the payment status is not or . |
If the transaction is an intercompany accounting transaction, view the other company in which the transaction is also posted. |
The voucher number in the intercompany accounting company for the transaction that is related to the posted journal line transaction. |
The date for loading the journal, if the journal was imported. |