Management Reporter for Microsoft Dynamics ERP
Documentation Home
Using Help for Management Reporter
Management Reporter overview
What's new in Mangement Reporter 2012
Accessibility features in Management Reporter
Frequently asked questions
Account systems
Fully qualified account system
Dimension-based account system
Advanced formatting
Migrating from Microsoft FRx to Management Reporter
Management Reporter administration
Security, user roles, and permissions
Users in Management Reporter
Manage users
Manage user groups
Report library security
Change report library permissions
Reset password for company access
Lock a building block
Maintaining company information (data provider)
Select a default company
Manage access to a company
View log files
Client connections and user preferences
Configure your server connection
Select user preferences
Refresh cached financial data
Building blocks and reports
Report Designer interface
Report Designer menu commands
Report Designer toolbar buttons
Row definitions
Add dimensions in a row definition
Adjust rounding in a row definition
Row definition cells
Specify a row code in row definition
Description cell in row definition
Add a format code
Related formulas/rows/units
Relate a format row to an amount row
Restrict a row to a specific reporting unit
Select the base row for a column calculation
Select a sorting code for a row definition
Select Format Override cell in row definition
Change Normal Balance cell in row definition
Select print control in row definition
Column Restriction cell in row definitions
Row modifier in row definitions
Use row modifier to override row information
Link to Financial Dimensions cell
Display zero balance accounts in a row definition
Wildcards and ranges in row definitions
Add or subtract from other accounts in a row definition
Add dimension sets in a row definition
Totals and calculations in row definitions
Use a row total in a row definition
Use a calculation formula in row definition
Select report columns in a row definition
Modify a number in selected columns
IF/THEN/ELSE statements in a row definition
Restrict calculation to a reporting unit
Format row and column text
Manage font styles
Format row text
Adjust columns while designing reports
Column definitions
Column details
Specify a column type
Financial Dimensions column
Apply an attribute filter
Apply a dimension filter
Format a multiple currency report
Calculation column
IF/THEN/ELSE statements in a column definition
Specify report cells in a column calculation
Multiply or divide in a column calculation
Column restrictions
Add a column restriction
Restrict column to reporting unit
Restrict a column to specific dates
Apply formatting
Create column headers
Column header autotext codes
Conditional spanning headers
Apply column justification
Add special formatting options
Reporting tree definitions
Rolling up data in a reporting tree
Multiple reporting trees
Create and modify a reporting tree definition
Reporting unit structure
Build a reporting tree definition
Insert Reporting Units From Dimensions dialogue box
Organise reporting units
Additional text for reporting unit
Restrict access to a reporting unit
Link to Management Reporter reports
Report definitions
Select report components
Select company name or code in report definition
Select report detail level in report definition
Specify a provisional code in report definition
Specify report periods and dates in report definitions
Select report building blocks in report definition
Headers and footers in report definitions
Change report settings
Specify rounding options in a report definition
Specify calculation priority in a report definition
Adjust the processing order in a report definition
Reporting unit options in report definition
Specify other formatting in report definitions
Report Settings dialogue box
Page Setup options in report definition
Account & Transaction Detail in report definitions
Additional options for report settings
Building block groups
Create and assign a building block group
Maintain building block groups
Report generation
Generate a report
Report viewing options
Schedule reports
Missing account analysis
Report security options
Organise reports
Maintain report versions
Create a folder
Move a folder, report, or building block
Rename a folder, report, or building block
Create and manage report groups
Delete report library items
Excel and Management Reporter
Link reports to Microsoft Excel
Prepare a link column in a row definition
Match worksheets with fiscal periods
Identify an Excel file in a reporting tree
XPS and Management Reporter
XBRL and Management Reporter
Import and maintain XBRL taxonomies
Create and maintain XBRL entities
Maintain XBRL units
Link to XBRL taxonomies
Specify XBRL currency and dimension
Report Viewer
Report Viewer menu commands
Fact pane
View a report
Change page setup
Change report magnification
Print a report
Share a report
Insert external files into the report library
Export a report
Create a chart
Add a comment to a report
Drill to Dynamics
Send an instant message
Web Report Viewer
Multicurrency translation
Microsoft Software Licence Terms
Documentation Home
English-to-Russian translation